Showtime! Joomlers show sites they’re proud of


After our special showcase article for Joomla’s 18th birthday last month, we got messages from more Joomla-enthusiasts willing to show their work in the Joomla Community Magazine. Check out these websites, all built with love, passion, craftsmanship and Joomla! 

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  470 Hits

PBF 2023: Celebrating Collaboration, Innovation, and Community


After a three-year hiatus, the Pizza, Bugs, and Fun (PBF) event, the epitome of community collaboration and bug squashing made a welcome comeback, embodying the vibrant spirit of the Joomla community. 

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  380 Hits

In cyberspace where dangers creep


In cyberspace where dangers creep,
Your secrets kept are not that deep,
Beware the hackers, lurking near,
They'll steal your data, and cause you fear.

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  419 Hits

How I came to work with Joomla - Mayank Sahu


Usually, the people who volunteer to answer our questions are heavily involved in either the Joomla community or the Joomla project, or sometimes both. Mayank Sahu has just joined the community, but he's no newcomer to Joomla. He has years of development experience behind him, particularly on Joomla, and he explains his choice of profession to us.
He's keen to get involved if time permits, so let's welcome him and listen to his story.

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  407 Hits

Meet a Joomla User Group: Arnhem - Nijmegen


The Joomla User Group Arnhem - Nijmegen is close to my heart as I have been the organizer in the past. This Dutch JUG is located in the eastern-middle part of the Netherlands and has started quite a long time ago. Read more about this JUG in this interview.

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  360 Hits

3 key open source challenges in developing countries


Open source faces many struggles in developing countries that make how it's perceived and its associations inaccurate and out of touch.

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  380 Hits

Explore the Core: Energize Your Joomla 4 Website with the Banner Manager


Are you looking for a way to breathe new life into your website? Look no further! This article delves into the workings of Joomla 4's Banner Manager component. Maybe you haven’t used this component yet, or underestimated its potential until now; we're here to show you how to transform your Joomla site into a captivating showcase. Fasten your seatbelts, as you're about to unlock the full potential that awaits you!

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  642 Hits

The August Issue - 18th Birthday Edition


The JCM Team is proud to present you the August Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  2830 Hits

18 amazing facts about Joomla to celebrate its 18th Birthday


It's Joomla 18th birthday this month and it's a perfect timing to have a look back about what have been proudly accomplished by all the incredible volunteers over these 18 years.

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  3512 Hits

18 ways to give back to Joomla


Born 18 years ago, Joomla is an open-source project supported solely by volunteers. Here are 18 ways to help Joomla if you want to support this project.

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  3755 Hits

Securing the Joomla updater - by making open source even better


If you are a loyal reader of the Joomla community magazine, you surely remember the project to secure the Joomla updating process by using “The Update Framework”. Even though it has been a little quiet on the project in the last couple of months, work has continued in the background - finally leading to another code sprint at the end of June 2023.

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  1923 Hits

Joomla and the EU Cyber Resilience Act


You may have heard of it already: the EU is preparing its Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), a European law about hardware and software. This CRA is coming our way, and it affects Joomla and other open source software. 

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  3018 Hits

Merge Your Passion & Knowledge Over a Slice of Your Favourite Pizza!


The wait is almost over for one of the most anticipated Joomla events of the year! Dive into the upcoming PBF event scheduled for 26th August 2023. Get ready to Test, Fix & Eat!

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  4523 Hits

Thank you Tobias!


Hello Tobias,

After over three years of service your term as Joomla! 3.10 Release Lead is over. What should I say? It had its ups and downs but the stable factor was you. The whole Joomla community was lucky to have you as the 3.10 release lead during this time.

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  2388 Hits

How Joomla became my Ikigai


Joomla is a technical and serious thing, we admit, but we spend a lot of time on it, and it ends up taking up a lot of space in our lives.

As a result, our relationship with Joomla becomes philosophical, even metaphysical... 

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  555 Hits

Chat GPT extensions to aid web development


AI is becoming part of Joomla with extensions and plugins, but it should also become part of your workforce, becoming your assistant, allowing you to be more productive and taking away some of the day-to-day chores.

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  766 Hits

Explore the Core: showing tagged items


Joomla provides us with two Tags modules by default. These are Tags - Similar and Tags - Popular. Let’s take a look and see what these modules can do for us.

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  686 Hits

Style your Joomla website: The mindful movement


In the last article of this series we created a website for a fitness center called “Be fit” and added some colors to the menu and a few page elements. In this article we will stay by “Be fit” and add some movement.

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  566 Hits

Get inspired! 18 Joomlers share 18 Joomla 4 sites


It’s that time of the year again: we’re celebrating Joomla’s birthday. August 17, Joomla turned 18. For this special birthday edition article, we’ve asked Joomlers from all over the world to share with us one Joomla 4 website they’re particularly proud of. The result? See for yourself: a wonderful variety from blog to business, from shop to business directory and from government to community. All built with love… and Joomla!

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  984 Hits

How I chose Joomla - Elisa Foltyn


Elisa Foltyn is very invested in Joomla and spares no time or effort in promoting the project, improving the cms and helping users.

She describes her path to Joomla as a journey with no end in sight.

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  588 Hits

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