Matomo, Cloud or Self Hosting?


In the previous article, I looked at Matomo, what it is and what it does.

There were several pros and cons that we went through and the costs were made clear. In this follow up I will go through the resources that are available to use Matomo as either a self-hosting package or a cloud package.

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  1190 Hits

Meet a Joomler - Mark Fleeson


This months interviewee has only joined volunteering in the Joomla project three years ago. And he is quite active online too, answering questions from Joomlers for example. He is the Team Lead of the Joomla Extensions Directory team, come and meet Mark Fleeson!

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  717 Hits

Examining the case for Joomla 4 certificates


So what's certification all about and why does it matter?

Is it worth creating a Joomla 4 certification and would those who did the Joomla 3 certification want to become retested against Joomla 4?

What does a Joomla 4 certificate bring to Joomla and more important, who is going to make it happen?

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  1400 Hits

How I met Joomla - Cédric Keiflin


Over 15 years ago Cédric Keiflin crossed the road of Joomla, he learned the CMS, but that’s not all. He shared his knowledge via certain products and his writings, in the French-speaking and international community.

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  910 Hits

Google Analytics - What is it good for?


Last week I visited a website and saw something that I hadn’t seen for what seems like over a decade - a counter telling me I was the 3619th visitor to the site.

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  697 Hits

Case Study - It is not even about Joomla, yet


When I say that a webpage speaks a lot about its owner, be it a company, a government agency, a project or a person, I am not talking about its contents and layout. I am referring to many things that become explicit when approaching the process of crafting a page for any of them.

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  1018 Hits

Explore the Core - Contact Component - Part 1


Today I'll give you a short overview of the contact component (com_contact) of Joomla! The contact component is a really powerful tool in your Joomla instance, which is underappreciated by most users.

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  1082 Hits

Submitting your article(s) to the Joomla Community Magazine


In our previous article about writing for the Joomla Community Magazine we explained how you can create an account on the JCM, the two ways you can write (submit directly or share a Google doc first) and, very briefly, how to submit your article. In this article we show you how to do that step by step.

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  641 Hits

Submit Events to the Joomla Events Calendar


As the Events Team lead, and the JUG Team lead, we want to see Joomla User Groups publish their events, because the Joomla Community wants to know about all your events. We also want you to add these events to your JUG’s pages in a way that requires low effort because we want you to spread the word.

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  1033 Hits

The February Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the February Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  26027 Hits

Who to blame when a Joomla release has a bug


I was privileged - and I mean privileged - to watch the release of Joomla 4.2.7.

It went wrong, there was a bug, and according to some on social media the sky was about to fall in, but what unfolded was impressive and makes me feel that Joomla is in good hands.

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  25026 Hits

Capital Team: show me the money!


"We should do an article about our Capital Team," Luca Marzo said during the kick-off meeting for this issue. "Should be pretty easy to write as it will be very short," one of the authors present responded. He was right, and that was exactly the point: at the moment we don't have a Capital Team, but we need one. And if money is totally your thing, we need you to be in it.

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  24772 Hits

Template Frameworks: Go further in the management of your Joomla sites


Joomla is offered with a basic Template on which you can work to customize your site to the identity of your company, your customer, your association.

But sometimes this is not enough and you might feel the need to use a specific tool : a template framework.

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  26816 Hits

Who does Joomla need right now?


You’ve probably heard or read it more than once: Joomla needs volunteers. Without people, new releases take longer and have less exciting features, documentation remains incomplete and bugs take forever to get fixed. But who do we need, and what would they be doing? Read how you can help.

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  25116 Hits

Meet the Joomla Framework Working Group


In this interview the team, or better said in this case the group, gave a proper introduction. For me there is nothing left to do than to introduce the Framework Working Group!

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  24707 Hits

Web Analytics: Alternative to Google Analytics? Matomo


Are you looking for a secure, private way to analyse your visitors and check what they are doing on your site? Then Matomo might just be the product for you. In this article, I will explore this analytics tool and discuss what it is good at and why you would want to use it.

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  25201 Hits

Where is this image from and how can I change it?


When a link to your site is posted on social media you will typically see an image as well as the link. Depending on the social media platform you may also see additional information such as a summary of the content.

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  1528 Hits

I create the website for my business for free with Joomla - Part 4


If you start to read this article, it's because the matter of creating a website interests you and that - for the challenge, for the intellectual curiosity or for the sake of savings - you would like to create it on your own. It still seems impossible to you for the moment but I bet you that after reading this series of tutorials, you will have made your website without anyone's help!

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  883 Hits

Explore the Core: Articles - Most Read


In this article I will give you a short overview of the “Articles – Most Read” Module. This module is part of Joomla! Core, so you can use it out of the box, and you don’t need to install any extension to use it.

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  881 Hits

Meet a Joomler - Tom van der Laan


Next in our Meet-a-Joomler - series we are going to meet Tom van der Laan. You might already have seen some of his work: he has made the latest release images as being in the Marketing team. But this isn’t where Tom started in our community. Enjoy his interview and find out what his first steps in the Joomniverse looked like!

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  1057 Hits

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