Why move to Joomla 5 now...


Joomla 5 was released back in October 2023 and after some 8 months of being out in the world, it is definitely the best version of Joomla and probably any CMS that is out there… (I can hear the pros/cons arguments already) 

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  147 Hits

Smooth operators. A thank you to the Release Managers of 5.0


Stability and reliability are keywords when it comes to any software release. Only hindsight shows whether such was achieved. Yet Joomla 5.0 hit these two requirements and many more, nailing that many have said is the best release of a major to date. Yes, we need to celebrate the features, but often all the hard work can be eclipsed by the issues that follow. 

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  350 Hits

What's new in Joomla 5.1?


The latest version of Joomla brings a number of interesting improvements and features for users and developers. Here's an overview of the main new features in Joomla 5.1!

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  1147 Hits

Smoothest Joomla Upgrade - My History of Joomla Upgrades from 1.5 to 5


I discovered Joomla in 2008 when a web developer recommended I use it to replace a static HTML website I'd built for my not-for-profit dog training club. "Joomla's super easy to use," he enthused, adding, "after the initial 'WHAT THE!?' shock."

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  4169 Hits

Your Joomla Administrator Panel: make it yours!


As Joomla enthusiasts, we focus on the design, the user experience and the functionalities offered by our favourite cms, so as to build the perfect site for our visitors, but we also have to think about the administration interface, AKA The Backend.

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  491 Hits

Book Review - Developing Extensions for Joomla! 5 by Carlos M. Cámara Mora


I became aware of the changes in extension development in Joomla when I started looking at migrating websites from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4. A sticking point for me was that some extensions hadn't been made Joomla 4 compatible. Some took a long time to be updated and some didn’t ever work in Joomla 4. It was a big jump and reading this book I can now see much more of what that was about. 

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  1296 Hits

Creating a custom Form field type in Joomla 5 using the Modal Select example


Using the ModalSelect Form field type in Joomla 5 to simplify finding the right product, from thousands, by filtering in a modal window using category, manufacturer and search when developing an extension.

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  360 Hits

Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: the basics


When you start creating your website, you may want to search for a template that fits the design you have in mind. Instead of looking at extensive templates, page builders or frameworks with endless possibilities, you could also try Joomla’s core template, Cassiopeia. It looks simple, but it’s so powerful once you know how to use it. In this article, we cover the basic settings and options of Joomla’s built-in powerhouse.

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  1337 Hits

Joomla is Yours: create user avatars in the Backend Template Atum


Not only the sites you produce with Joomla – but also the Backend where you and your customers develop and maintain the site can and should be yours. With a few hacks, you can make it even more yours.

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  1539 Hits

Understand and create forms with conditional custom fields


For quite some time now, the utilization of conditional fields in Joomla was primarily a task for developers involved in form creation. However, with the advent of Joomla 4.3, there is now the capability to display custom fields conditionally, enhancing the user experience. We’ll explain how it works first, and after that, we’ll show you how you can use conditional fields in your Joomla content.

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  320 Hits

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