Joomla World Conference 2015

Joomla World Conference 2015

Le Joomla World Conference 2015 s'est tenu du 6 au 8 novembre dernier à Bangalore en Inde. Cette manifestation incontournable pour les Joomleurs du monde entier a réuni plusieurs centaines d'afficionados de notre CMS préféré venus des quatre coins de la planète. Ayant pu faire le déplacement jusqu'en Inde, je vous propose un compte-rendu des conférences et de l'ambiance de ce JWC2015.


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  5964 Hits

Joomla Community: This is YOUR Magazine!

Joomla Community: This is YOUR Magazine!

In 2012 I had the opportunity to attend the very first Joomla World Conference in San Jose, California. I hardly knew anyone in the International Community at the time. I was thrilled, anxious and eager to absorb as much information as I could. At one point, I entered a room where two ladies were sitting at a table. Their presentation was named "Everything You Wanted To Know About the JCM". Dianne Henning and Alice Grevet gave us a great lesson on what being a volunteer in an Open Source project like Joomla and the Community Magazine can be. By the time they finished I was absolutely inspired! I walked towards them and offered to create illustrations for the magazine, or even write articles, something I love to do. At that moment, my life changed forever. And I hardly knew what lay ahead of me...

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  10953 Hits

JoomlaDay Italy – Into the Gladiator Arena

JoomlaDay Italy – Into the Gladiator Arena

Italy, a country most people know for it's pizza, pasta, ice-cream and old buildings. Amongst these ruins from centuries ago something new is brewing. Though Italy is definitely not new to me, as I have been there on numerous occasions, this was Italy in a way I have not experienced it before. My taste buds tingled, my eyes twinkled, my ears itched and my nose tickled. That is how I felt throughout the entire day and night at JoomlaDay Italy.

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  7545 Hits

Joomla! Certification Program

Joomla! Certification Program

Most of you reading this will be very familiar with how volunteers contribute to the Joomla! project. It is sometimes hard and sometimes boring, waiting for results that cannot be achieved. This is what most of the Certification Team members have felt at least once in the last two and a half years while setting up the Joomla! Certification Program. I would like to thank all of you, contributing now to any of the Joomla! projects, and especially to those supporting the Certification Program, and to those for their past and future efforts.

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  15392 Hits

Stay jMotivated After the JWC

Stay jMotivated After the JWC

The Joomla World Conference is always a high energy event and this year in Bangalore, India was no different. Being a JWC veteran I know that it provides us with motivation and inspiration. I also know that the motivation begins to fade after we get home. It’s easy to be motivated at a community event, but it's harder to stay motivated on your own. Here are some tips for keeping yourself involved with the community after an event.

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  8707 Hits

A First Glance at Joomla! 4

A First Glance at Joomla! 4

The year is coming to its end and we want to give a short look into what's coming up in the next year for the Joomla! CMS. Joomla! 4 is in the pipeline and assumed to be published next year.

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  18166 Hits

The Joomla Automated Testing Code Sprint 2015

The Joomla Automated Testing Code Sprint 2015

A four day Code Sprint for Automated Testing aspects of the Joomla CMS and the Framework took place in Germany at the beginning of November.

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  7461 Hits

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 3 of 3

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 3 of 3

Four mistakes impacting your bottom line: Parts 1 & 2 of this mini-series related to the site itself and the content contained within. Now let’s look at 4 mistakes that sabotage monetizing your site…

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  8098 Hits

Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Landing Pages, essentially are any page a visitor enters a site. In Digital Marketing the term is used to describe a page with specific features, apart from the rest of the site. Its goal is to attract the visitor’s attention to engage in a desired action

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  22179 Hits

Introducing Mobile Apps at JWC 2015

Introducing Mobile Apps at JWC 2015

This being my first article for the Joomla! Magazine, I will give a bit of context about myself. I started working with Joomla! in 2007, developing websites as a consultant, and then developing extensions professionally as a livelihood. Gradually I have timidly begun to collaborate with the community. Today I actively participate as Marketing Manager in the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED), and contribute to Joomla! StackExchange and Joomla! Bug Squad. Finally, as a result of this mega Joomla World Conference, with a team of volunteers we created the Joomla Mobile Apps Working Group. But, I am getting ahead of myself - an organized description of the event follows...

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  8854 Hits

Vote for Joomla! in the CMS Critic Awards

Vote for Joomla! in the CMS Critic Awards

December is voting time again, at least for CMS systems. 

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  8693 Hits

JoomlaDay UK 2016

JoomlaDay UK 2016

JoomlaDay UK is back on Saturday 13th February, right in the heart of London, just 250 yards from Buckingham Palace. Will we have a special guest? Will you be there? During J and Beyond 2015, a group of Brits met up to reboot the event and make JoomlaDay 2016 a real community event.

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  9073 Hits

Writing together with new contributors at #jwc15

Writing together with new contributors at #jwc15

This article has been written by the Joomla in Action Workshop during the #jwc15. First we follow the steps for the registration process inside the magazine for the aspiring Joomla writers. After that, every participant wrote a paragraph which is shared in this article.

After that, participants were asked to showcase their writting skills.

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  7513 Hits

Comment installer Joomla sur son ordinateur avec XAMPP ?

Comment installer Joomla sur son ordinateur avec XAMPP ?

Pour installer et utiliser Joomla, vous avez la possibilité de louer un espace sur un serveur distant chez un hébergeur ou alors d'utiliser votre propre ordinateur. Cette seconde solution offre l'avantage de se lancer tranquillement et sans bourse délier. Pour faire fonctionner Joomla!, il nous faut, entre autre, un serveur et une base de données. XAMPP est une suite de logiciels permettant de créer facilement sur son ordinateur, un serveur Web, un serveur FTP et un serveur de messagerie électronique. Parfait, c'est exactement ce dont nous avons besoin pour installer Joomla!. A noter que XAMPP est également un ensemble de logiciels libres qui offrent une grande souplesse d'utilisation pour les débutants car cette solution est connue pour son installation simple et rapide. Nous allons donc voir comment installer Joomla sur son ordinateur en utilisant XAMPP.

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  26382 Hits

JoomlaDay Poland 2015

JoomlaDay Poland 2015

The battle for the Joomla-Monster cap, and the magical "yes" uttered by the one chosen heart, rewarding the people thanks to whom the Polish Joomla! story began – this is how, in a nutshell, we can describe what happened during the fourth JoomlaDay Poland, organized in Gdansk - the city of freedom, in the 10th anniversary of Joomla! in Poland.

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  5719 Hits

Joomla Day Israel 2015

Joomla Day Israel 2015

Celebrating the fifth Joomla Day in Israel 2015, as well as 10 years for Joomla, the Israeli community got together for a full day conference on October 25th, 2015. It was a day filled with knowledge, connections, and excitment.

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  5003 Hits

Joomla Goes to India

Joomla Goes to India

On November 6th, Joomlers from all over the world will be gathering in Bangalore, India, for the fourth annual Joomla World Conference. Collaborate. Learn. Network. Share.

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  6055 Hits

Est-ce l’amour que je ressens ?

Est-ce l’amour que je ressens ?

Quand Joomla! est apparu et que j’ai profité de ses fonctions. Ma carrière a pris un nouveau tournant et je peux dire que ma vie a changé grâce à Joomla! Pendant un moment, j'ai pensé que j'étais amoureux de Joomla! Je comprends depuis peu ce qu'est réellement ce sentiment.


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  5656 Hits

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 2 of 3

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 2 of 3

A quick review: The first four critical mistakes we discussed last month are: 1 - Not enough value. 2 - Complicated user interface. 3 - Poor user experience. 4 - Bad customer service. Now on to the next 3 which are related to your content…

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  6268 Hits

A trilha do Joomla foi marcada na Latinoware 2015

A trilha do Joomla foi marcada na Latinoware 2015

Os participantes do principal evento de software livre no Brasil foram cativados por palestras incríveis e pelo espírito de união dos Joomleiros

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