Who to blame when a Joomla release has a bug


I was privileged - and I mean privileged - to watch the release of Joomla 4.2.7.

It went wrong, there was a bug, and according to some on social media the sky was about to fall in, but what unfolded was impressive and makes me feel that Joomla is in good hands.

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Production Team Goals - 2022/Q4


Last quarter the Production department published the teams goals for the next quarter.

The plans they wished to achieve, hoping to inspire them to succeed but also, by sharing, to encourage others outside of production to also get involved and come on board to make it all happen.

So take a look at what is planned for the next quarter and see if there is anything you can put your weight behind.

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Report from the Engine Room - What happens behind the scenes


Today I'd like to share with you what has happened in the last few months, actually years, behind the scenes of the Joomla project. I'm not talking about the politics or big decisions on the direction of the Content Management System (CMS), but about some of the work done to our infrastructure which is tucked away and nobody gets to see apart from special tours like today's article.

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