Books about Joomla 4: start reading!


If you want to learn more about Joomla, you have the Joomla documentation, tutorials (written ones, like the ones in the Joomla Community Magazine, and video tutorials), or you can ask questions in the forum, on social media, in the Joomla Improvers channel on Mattermost or on StackExchange. But, people, nothing beats a book. Yes, a book. With pages, and all the information nicely structured in chapters and paragraphs. Are you looking for books about Joomla 4? We hear you: here’s a list of books! For beginners, experienced users, and developers. Start reading!

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Review: Joomla 4! Masterclass by Luca Marzo


At the Joomla Community Magazine, we love it when people write books about Joomla (and maybe even more when these people are our own team members!). In this month’s issue, Laura Gordon reviews Joomla! 4 Masterclass: A practitioner's guide to building rich and modern websites using the brand-new features of Joomla 4 by Luca Marzo.

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