Tools to build a Component - Episode 1: Introduction and Core Solution


You probably know Joomla is THE tool for creating websites, because it's really complete straigth out of the box. If you need a little more, you could use one of the thousands of extensions available in the Joomla Extensions Directory... or create your own. In this series, Herman Peeren takes us through the options.

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Joomla is Yours: create user avatars in the Backend Template Atum


Not only the sites you produce with Joomla – but also the Backend where you and your customers develop and maintain the site can and should be yours. With a few hacks, you can make it even more yours.

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  1539 Hits

Playing with the Joomla Web Services (API) - part 1


The Joomla API is a very interesting topic because it is so powerful.

But there is much to tell so I propose to start a new series of articles.

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Customizing Joomla 4's Smart Search Results Pages with Images, Custom Fields and a new Layout


In this article, Marc Dechèvre shows us how to customize the Results Page of Smart Search, using images, custom fields and a new layout.

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  5712 Hits

Custom Fields - Episode 7 Part 2: without limits


Spoiler alert: there is a challenge for you at the end of this article and if I get enough answers there will be an ultimate article about Custom Fields in the Magazine.

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Custom Fields - Episode 7 Part 1: one Custom Field to rule them all


As you probably have noticed, the title of this Episode takes inspiration from 2 famous films / books: 

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Custom Fields - Episode 6: Make more with extensions

July-CustomFields Extensions to extend Custom Fields

After 5 Episodes in the Joomla Community Magazine about Custom Fields in Joomla core, obviously you know how powerful they are. But as a human being, you always dream of more...

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Custom Fields - Episode 5 - List of Resources


After a series of 4 episodes published in the previous editions of the Joomla Community Magazine, hopefuly you already know a lot about Custom Fields.

But learning is a continuous process and it is always nice to learn from each other. This is exactly what I like about the Joomla Community: the fact that many people share their knowledge and enthousiasm.

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  3333 Hits

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