Tools to build a Component - 7: Joomla Component Builder

JCM - Buidling Components - Part 7

In this episode we will use Joomla Component Builder to build our example event schedule component.

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Sustainable Web Development with Joomla - Part 1

JCM - Sustainable Web Devolpment - Part 1

The digital landscape is evolving rapidly, and sustainability is no longer just a buzzword – it's a necessity. As businesses and developers strive to reduce their environmental footprint, sustainable web development has emerged as a critical focus. 

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The new ModalSelect Field

Joomla 5.2 - the modal select field

A new feature in Joomla 5.2 makes life so much easier for Joomla component developers!

It's called the ModalSelect standard field, and it provides a really easy way to implement a modal window in your component.

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The anatomy of smart search in Joomla 5. Creating a plugin Part 3

The anatomy of smart search

In the previous article, we have startet to code our custom plugin for Joomla smart search component. So, let's finish it!

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Tools to build a Component - 6: Component Generator

Building components - part 6

In this episode we will use Component Generator to build our example event schedule component.

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Tools to build a Component - 5: Component Creator


Our journey until now In this series we want to show some tools that can help to build components for Joomla. The first four episodes were mainly to introduce the example, show some implementations of it without building a component and...

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  282 Hits

Tools to build a Component - 4: Built-in Extras and some Setup Tools


In this episode we will expand our example component, mainly by using features that are built-in into Joomla. And we show some tools that can help us setting up a custom component.

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Tools to build a Component - 3: Creating a Component!


Finally we will build a real Joomla component for our example event schedule! We’ll explore how to implement relationships between entities. 

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Never underestimate the power of assumptions


I assume we all make assumptions ?, and often there’s no harm in this at all. But when it comes to written communication, which happens a lot in our community (think GitHub and Mattermost) things can easily go pear shaped when assumptions are made. Assumptions going rogue can lead to anger, sleepless nights, teams falling apart, volunteers rage quitting, work not being done and a ruined reputation (for the volunteer(s) involved and for Joomla). How does this happen, and how can we prevent it from happening?

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Tools to build a Component - 2: An Embedded Application


In the second episode of our building-tools adventure we'll delve deeper into our event schedule example and explore how to implement it using two Joomla application builders — Seblod and Fabrik. We'll not yet create a full component, instead we’ll embed our application within these extensions. By doing so we will also get a better understanding of the requirements for the component we want to build in subsequent articles of the series.

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