Tools to build a Component - Episode 1: Introduction and Core Solution


You probably know Joomla is THE tool for creating websites, because it's really complete straigth out of the box. If you need a little more, you could use one of the thousands of extensions available in the Joomla Extensions Directory... or create your own. In this series, Herman Peeren takes us through the options.

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Joomla 6, what's in it for you?


14th October 2025 feels like a lifetime away at the moment, but it's all the time we have left to get Joomla 6 planned, built and released.
I'm in my 50s - just - and the planets have aligned to have a little joke. Gary Barclay and I will be releasing the first Alpha on Joomla 6 on Tuesday the 15th of April 2025… Not my planning, but it happens to be Joomla London User Group that night as it's the third Tuesday of the month, and my 60th Birthday! 

So yes: dates do have some meaning, some very personal.

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Getting to know the team behind Joomla 5.2


This month we are thrilled to include a double interview with the new Joomla 5.2 release team: Marc Dechèvre and Peter Martin. The aim of these interviews is to let the Community know a bit more about the release leads and their plans for the future of Joomla 5.2.

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  1096 Hits

JoRobo: How to professionally manage extension development

Maintaining Extensions

So you created your own Joomla extension, maybe for a client, maybe for general usage, and now you're wondering how to best manage it for the future. You will have to handle bugfixes, store it somehow, create releases and maybe improve it with new features. So how could we do this? There are several ways you can do this, but today I'd like to show you the one possible solution that works good for me.

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How to become a Joomla extensions developer


One of Joomla! Key strength lies in its extensibility through the use of Joomla extensions. If you have a passion for web development and want to contribute to the Joomla community, becoming a Joomla Extension developer can be a rewarding path to follow. In this article, we will explore the knowledge and skills required, along with some essential dos and don'ts, to help you embark on your journey as a Joomla Extension developer.

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Joomla 5, find out who is in the driving seat


Wait, what? Joomla 5? Surely that’s a typo?
It is not. You read correctly: Joomla 5 is on the horizon and due to land in October 2023. JCM has the pleasure to meet with Release Manager Harald Leithner, who is excited about all the improvements coming our way!

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Getting to know the team behind Joomla 4.4


What’s in store for Joomla 4.4? JCM meets the Release Managers, Allon Moritz and Martin Kopp. Let’s find out who they are and what they like most about Joomla 4!

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  1732 Hits

Joomla at the Cloudfest Hackathon 2023: multidomain solution


The CloudFest Hackathon is an annual event in Rust (Germany) that brings together developers, designers, and open source enthusiasts from around the world. They collaborate and innovate on various projects, aiming to create cutting-edge solutions that address different challenges in the world of web hosting and content management systems. Like last year, a team worked on a new core Joomla feature: a multidomain solution. In this interview, Elisa Foltyn and Timo Feuerstein tell us what happened. 

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Playing with the Joomla Web Services (API) - part 2


[ this article is part of a series - see part 1 here ]

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Developing custom projects with Joomla


Joomla is an incredibly powerful and versatile Content Management System (CMS). Most of us think of Joomla when it comes to build complex websites, directories, and e-commerce stores. But these applications are more in the Content Management world. What happens when we need to develop a different type of web application? In those cases, it's common to use custom development and build our projects from scratch.

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