Joomla 5 challenge, the responses and the winners


Remember last month’s challenge to propose a design for our ‘own’ Joomla website? The challenge idea was born out of the marketing team's desire to bring a more harmonious look and feel to Joomla's websites. And to bring us into this decade, as the core sites were all made in the 2010’s and to take the different looks and feel and coordinate across the brand.

Let’s dive in to see who had a say and what their contribution was. 

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  31524 Hits

My first upgrade to Joomla 5


My name is Michael Michael (yes really) and I suspect I may be a very typical Joomla user. I have a full-time job completely unrelated to web design. Almost twenty years ago I wanted to build a website for a personal project and found Mambo. I loved it and what it became in Joomla.

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  31180 Hits

End-to-end testing with Joomla! and Cypress - My First Steps and thoughts


Automated tests are not a special tool for software developers in large projects. Especially for extensions, automated tests are a help to quickly identify problems. They help to ensure that extensions work smoothly in newer Joomla versions.

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  30218 Hits

Joomla wins multiple CMS awards (and a Server!), thanks to its community


Last year was arguably the best year ever for Joomla to win awards.
This year has been off to a good start, let us look at why this 17-year-old is still a winning CMS.

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  30618 Hits

Style your Joomla website: Articles - Newsflash


Fancier, more stylish, super hip, or just different: sometimes you just want your website to look a little less standard. In this new series, we show you how to do that with simple adjustments, step by step.

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  1663 Hits

Playing with the Joomla Web Services (API) - part 4


[ this article is part of a series ] 8. Using the Joomla API to Import and Update Articles directly from a Google Sheet Being able to POST or PATCH a single Article programmatically with a few lines of code thanks...

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  1185 Hits

Meet a Joomla User Group: Maastricht, the Netherlands


This is the first interview in the new series, Meet a Joomla User Group. And we start in Maastricht, the Netherlands. In this town in the south of the Netherlands Johan and his co-organisers have been organizing a JUG meeting for...

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  1053 Hits

Explore the Core: How to easily embed videos in your Joomla Articles


Joomla has built-in functionality for embedding videos from, for example, YouTube or Vimeo or any other platform that provides embed codes. You don’t have to install anything for this; all you need is a little preparation.

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  1444 Hits

Explore the Core: Native SEO Options


It’s often said that Content Management Systems other than Joomla are best for SEO. What’s not said so often is that it’s only true if that CMS has plugins installed to manage its SEO. Joomla comes with SEO tools out-of-the-box, so you’re already one step ahead.

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  1963 Hits

AI extensions you can use with Joomla


Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the march, coming to the fore in many different industries and work spaces. Its impact is already felt online, with more content and images being artificially generated. What can we do with AI right now in conjunction with Joomla? This article explores what's already out there and what could be around the corner for joomla and AI.

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  2463 Hits

How I discovered Joomla - Franciska Perisa


It was at the Web Development Weeks at her university when Franciska Perisa discovered Joomla. She turned out to be good at it, and this made her want to do more. Read all about where she started, what happened next and what she’s doing now!

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  579 Hits

Joomla User Groups: growing together by sharing knowledge


Pretty much every Joomla User will reach it: the point where you feel like the only Joomler in the village and wish you knew more people working with Joomla. The wonderful news is: there are. We have Joomla User Groups all over the world, in-person and online, and you can easily join or even start one! Share your knowledge, learn fast, help solve people’s Joomla issues, and have fun!

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  652 Hits

The May Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the May Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  25813 Hits

Joomla 5 is coming, time for a new look for all our sites? Join the challenge and have a say.


Wouldn't it be great if Joomla had a coherent look and feel to its real estate, all those sites that are under the Joomla banner, as well as feeding into the Joomla template that people use?
Well now is your chance to have your say in how they will all come together!

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  33258 Hits

Template Overrides - Recycle and reuse


Template overrides are, for me, the most powerful feature of Joomla. I use them a lot and they are what makes the difference between a good looking website and a great one. They can be as simple as moving the intro image above the article title to something more complex, including CSS and JavaScript changes, such as creating a photo gallery from a category of articles or creating a set of buttons to filter the content.

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  26550 Hits

How to become a Joomla extensions developer


One of Joomla! Key strength lies in its extensibility through the use of Joomla extensions. If you have a passion for web development and want to contribute to the Joomla community, becoming a Joomla Extension developer can be a rewarding path to follow. In this article, we will explore the knowledge and skills required, along with some essential dos and don'ts, to help you embark on your journey as a Joomla Extension developer.

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  26427 Hits

How I learned Joomla - Alison Meeks


If there is one person you can ask for help, it is Alison Meeks. When she knows and can come and help, she is the first to say yes, especially if it's about Joomla: She admits herself: she hardly knows how to say no!
That's why she was appointed to the Joomla Social Media Team - Team Leader, Admin on the Facebook No Spam group (among others).

And that's also why we asked her how she learned Joomla: we knew that with her legendary kindness she wouldn't refuse us anything!

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  26243 Hits

Playing with the Joomla Web Services (API) - part 3


[ this article is part of a series ]

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  25617 Hits

The 15th edition of the Dutch JoomlaDays!


After a few years of no Dutch JoomlaDays, it was finally time again!
On Friday 12 and Saturday 13 May 2023, the Joomla Netherlands Foundation organized the JoomlaDagen for the 15th time. The ROC in Tilburg (a school focused on IT education) was our host for this edition. We have been given three rooms to organize the sessions in, in addition to the general room where the canteen was also located.

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  25279 Hits

Artificial Intelligence, is it natural to use it with Joomla?


I remember when the internet was first popularised and the words “world wide web” and “internet” became essential for any headline writer. Soon after the point that the average person in the street would rant “If I hear one more mention of this wibbly wobbly web thingy Im going to” and you can use your own imagination to end that sentence.

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  1945 Hits

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