Before I decided to go pro with Joomla (in 2014) I was a writer/journalist for 15 years.

In 2009 I started working with Joomla, not knowing anything about webdesign. I joined a JUG in 2012, two months later I was co-organizer :) (and stayed co-organizer for about five years). I wrote articles about Joomla in a Dutch webdesigner magazine and speak at JUGs and JoomlaDays. I was on the Dutch JoomlaDagen team for three years. Since 2017 I'm a member of the team organizing Joostock (a Joomlacamp/unconference event).

I was the editor of the Dutch Joomla web agency brochure, a brochure webdesigners can use to convince their potential clients that Joomla is the right choice for them.

At Joomla Forum for the Future (2020) I volunteered to contribute as an author/blogger/copywriter.

I run a web agency in the Netherlands, WebLab42, with my partner. We create and maintain websites for small businesses and non-profit organisations.

The July Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the July Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine!

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  231 Hits

New to the Joomla Community? Join a session to get settled in!


Starting a new initiative is always an adventure: will people turn up? Will it be a success? Sigrid Gramlinger, Joomla's Production Department Coordinator, started the New to Joomla sessions a couple of months ago, to welcome new people and help them find their way in the Joomla Community. How is this going, and how can you join? Read all about it!

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  160 Hits

Create a automation with the Joomla API

Maybe you’re using one already, maybe you’ve heard of them: no-code automation tools like Zapier, and IFTTT. These tools are a way to automate tasks without using any code: define a trigger and an action and you're good to go. Wouldn’t it be übercool if you could have that for your Joomla website - oh wait, you can: Ane Miren Alvarez created a Joomla automation for Find out all about this!

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  497 Hits

Finding your way in the Joomla Community


So you’ve decided to join the Joomla Community, and maybe even dedicate some of your talent, skills to Joomla. Great! But now what? Where is everyone? Where do all these cool people meet? How to find a team that suits you, and how to join them? We’ve got you covered! Read all about the steps you can take to get settled in, and know: every step of the way, there’s someone who can help you.

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  1206 Hits

Leadership interview: Carlos Cámara, Operations Department Coordinator

Carlos Cámara

Joomla's Operations Department Coordinator is responsible for the day to day operation of all the websites, such as the Joomla Extensions Directory, the one and only Joomla Community Magazine and the Volunteers Portal. Since a few weeks, Operations has a new coordinator: Carlos Cámara. Carlos has been volunteering for quite a while, so he's not exactly a new face in the Joomla Crowd. Find out why he stepped up for this particular board position!

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  1502 Hits

The Value of Open Source Software


If your software is free for everyone to use, does that mean it isn’t worth anything? Surely not! Three researchers from Harvard Business School and the University of Toronto have found a way to estimate the value of Open Source Software. Spoiler alert: it’s nowhere near nothing.

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  4631 Hits

Joomla at FOSDEM 2024: launching the Open Website Alliance


Imagine a super large open source developer's conference, with thousands of attendees and over sixty conference rooms. Joomla's president Crystal Dionysopoulos was there, and for a very good reason: together with Drupal, WordPress and Typo3 we launched the Open Website Alliance.

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  496 Hits

Joomla User Groups: the place where Joomlers meet 


Where can I find other people working with Joomla? How can I learn more about Joomla? Who can I discuss issues with? The answer to these questions: a Joomla User Group! We have JUGs all over the world, and virtual ones, and everyone can join. There’s a Joomla Team dedicated to JUGs: coordinating, encouraging, supporting and helping JUGs. In January 2024, the second international Joomla User Group meeting took place. Laura Gordon tells us what happened there and what’s going to happen next.

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  239 Hits

Joomla and the EU Cyber Resilience Act - the Follow Up


Remember when we wrote about the EU preparing its Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), a European law about hardware and software? We were really concerned about the way it would affect Joomla and other open source software. Well… there's news.

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  2403 Hits

Joomla Community Magazine’s Top 20 articles from 2023


Last month we asked you to share the links to your favorite articles from the Joomla Community Magazine in 2023. And you did! Turns out you really love tutorials, and a lot of you also like the articles about leadership and communication. From the articles you submitted, we've managed to make a top 20. Let's dive into the most valued articles of 2023!

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  3304 Hits

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