Joomla 5 - It really brings your web site alive
Looking back, looking forward
This week I stumbled across a copy of a keynote presentation given by Paul Delbar at JoomlaDagen 2012 all about Joomla 5 (although he was a bit trendy and used the Roman Numeral V).
As development starts to ramp up for Joomla 5 I thought it would be interesting to take another look at what Paul was announcing.
At the time, despite furious note taking by those on the front row, everything Paul talked about was in jest - or was it?
Was Paul really a time traveller from the future revealing the secrets of Joomla 5 or did he get it really wrong. Will you see something in these slides that will inspire you to help Joomla 5 make a big leap forward - I hope so.
Unfortunately I can only find two short video clips from the presentation, a demonstration of LARI and for but those who were there will never forget that Paul even wrote a song.
Joomla V
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