An insight into a Joomler: Robin Clapp


If you spend some time around the web, social media and Joomla, you will most likely at some point hunt around a couple of Facebook Groups in/around the topic of Joomla! and if you do, inevitably (or at least for your sake I hope so) you will come across a group called: Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla! or possibly a mention of the Small Business JUG (more on that later)... that is how I came across the kind, humble and always seen smiling Joomler that is Robin Clapp.

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  32 Hits

Joomla Academy is ready for take off - Join us!

oomla Academy - how is it going?

Students looking for an opportunity to contribute to open source development and work with the best on a great content management system: this article’s for you. People who know their way around Joomla’s code and want to share their knowledge and help shape Joomla’s future: this article is for you. Read all about the Joomla Academy coming to life!

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  62 Hits

Celebrating the Amazing Women of Joomla with Alison Meeks

Amazing Women in Joomla: Alison Meeks

This month we have with us another amazing woman of Joomla. The lady who, for more than a decade now has been the voice of Joomla’s social media, Alison Meeks. I always liked to call her the Angel of Joomla because Alison saved the day in multiple instances, a fact that serves as a demonstration of her dedication to her role and her love for Joomla. Alison has been one of the most valuable and devoted volunteers in the Joomla community.

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  65 Hits

Geraint Edwards, The man behind JEvents, YourSites and EasyLayouts

Geramin Edwards: The man behind JEvents, YourSites and EasyLayouts

If you're a Joomla user, you've probably already heard of JEvents, YourSites or EasyLayouts. But do you know the man behind these essential extensions?

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  50 Hits

Interview with the all-rounder Tuan Pham Ngoc!

Interview with the all-rounder Tuan Pham Ngoc!

There have been many people involved in Joomla over the past 20 years; some build websites for clients, some help for a time by promoting Joomla, some others contribute their time to a Joomla! Team, some build an extension, and others write code to fix, or improve a functionality in Joomla!... and then, some are all-rounders: they do most if not all of the above...

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  67 Hits

An insight into a Joomler: JoeJoomla

JCM - Meet a Joomler: Joe Sonne

Having been around the JoomlaSphere in some capacity or another for years, what keeps me around and coming back are the wonderful and super helpful people that I have encountered over the years... some stay, some go, some comeback and some don't but they are collectively the pillars of the Joomla! project no matter in what way they participate, or contribute...

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  133 Hits

Celebrating the amazing women of Joomla with Angie Radtke

JCM - Women in Joomla: Angie Radtke

Hello everyone. I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2025! (I would also like to add Creative.) I have always been a great fan of creative people.

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  109 Hits

John Dagelmore: The man behind JExtensions Store

JCM - Interview John Dagelmore

When you ask John Dagelmore, he basically tells you about his extensions. 
Narcissistic? Selfish? No ! 

He's just proud of them, because they're his babies ! 

But he's also very proud of Joomla, which he considers to be the best CMS in existence,and as a good family man, he kindly explained to us the life of his extensions, which he grew up in a caring environment.

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  689 Hits

Leadership interview Angelika Prox Dampha, Outreach Department Coordinator

JCM - Leadership Interview Angelika Prox Dampha

Angelika Prox Dampha has volunteered to take on the coordination of the outreach department, and she has been elected for 1 year in this position. Let's find out how she sees this mission and what she's doing to raise awareness of our magnificent CMS among even more Joomlers.

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  352 Hits

Roland Dalmulder, The man behind RO CSVI

Extension Developers Interview - Roland Dalmulder

If there's one person who represents action in Joomla, it could be Roland Dalmulder. For a long time now, he's been moving forward without looking back, even running, wearing the Joomla colors! And when he stops to take a breather, it's only to set off again! 
This marathon coder is back this year with the firm intention of helping users of his renowned extensions, as well as getting even more involved in the Joomla! project.

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  144 Hits

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