Since its creation, Phil Walton has been using Joomla moving his client base away from his own primitive CMS to Joomla!

Phil is involved in a few departments and initiatives, enjoying the community aspect of Joomla and learning much through the kindness of others.

A member of the London User Group JUGL and a developer in his company SoftForge. Phil also enjoys meeting up with other Joomla Users at J&Beyond and the JWC events.

An avid rower on the Thames, juggler, cricket fan, warm beer tasting expert and unicyclist, he is also a patented inventor and is owned by many cats that take terns in looking after him.

Making Your Joomla Event Welcoming for All


There's a famous story about Harald MacMillan, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1957 to 1963. When asked by a journalist, "What do you fear the most in politics or what could most easily derail your government's agenda?" He supposedly replied:

"Events, dear boy, events."

Indeed, events can be fraught with unseen dangers when planning. Let's explore the key considerations to make your Joomla event truly welcoming for all.

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  167 Hits

Joomla 6, what's in it for you?


14th October 2025 feels like a lifetime away at the moment, but it's all the time we have left to get Joomla 6 planned, built and released.
I'm in my 50s - just - and the planets have aligned to have a little joke. Gary Barclay and I will be releasing the first Alpha on Joomla 6 on Tuesday the 15th of April 2025… Not my planning, but it happens to be Joomla London User Group that night as it's the third Tuesday of the month, and my 60th Birthday! 

So yes: dates do have some meaning, some very personal.

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  942 Hits

I've a secret to share, but dont tell anyone


Are you a developer who needs to know when you can expect deprecated old functions, an administrator who may have new features to gem up on, or perhaps just nosy and wants to know when the next release is due? Then read on and get the inside knowledge.

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  628 Hits

They Cannot Be Talking About Me, Can They? Learn from Martha and Her Friends


In a world where digital landscapes are ever-evolving, it's easy to take the thriving communities within them for granted. But what happens when we neglect the very foundations that sustain us? Just as the once-abundant passenger pigeons vanished from our skies, the vibrant Joomla community risks fading into obscurity without our collective vigilance and support. As I shared at JoomlaDays NL 2024, the story of Martha, the last passenger pigeon, is a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility. Every one of us can play a crucial role in ensuring Joomla’s enduring success.

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  388 Hits

Smooth operators. A thank you to the Release Managers of 5.0


Stability and reliability are keywords when it comes to any software release. Only hindsight shows whether such was achieved. Yet Joomla 5.0 hit these two requirements and many more, nailing that many have said is the best release of a major to date. Yes, we need to celebrate the features, but often all the hard work can be eclipsed by the issues that follow. 

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  400 Hits

Green websites help to keep your feet dry


Being green to try and lessen global warming has become part of everyday life for some; for others, it's something that doesn't affect them, or so they think. If we are serious about looking after the environment, we should see some serious changes in how we do things. Because it's exactly the way we have gone about our lives that has caused this crisis, it makes sense that to mitigate it our lives must change to a new, more sustainable way of living.

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  1056 Hits

Getting to know the team behind Joomla 5.2


This month we are thrilled to include a double interview with the new Joomla 5.2 release team: Marc Dechèvre and Peter Martin. The aim of these interviews is to let the Community know a bit more about the release leads and their plans for the future of Joomla 5.2.

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  1142 Hits

You can't fool me when it comes to SPF, DKIM, and DMARC!


Every day, we send and receive emails, and often, these contain important information that we want delivered securely and for the intended recipient's eyes only. When important things end up in the spam folder, it is a pain… but this is an inconvenience that you can address with a degree of success.Since we are bombarded with fake emails, spam and spoofs trying to trick and do us harm, fighting spam is necessary. If you send emails, there’s a number of tools you can (or should) use to not be classified as spam and show you’re legit: SPF, DKIM and DMARC. 

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  839 Hits

CSS is evolving, evolve your code with this simple guide


I love the way some technologies are aware of what is going on around them and then pivot to make their own technology all the better by seeing if they can do the same as the bright young techs around them, bringing a new lease of life.

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  649 Hits

Local Community liaisons, what are they and do you have what it takes to join them?


What is a Community Liaison, what do they do and do you have what it takes to become one? All good questions that this article is intended to answer. And in answering we deal with the beating heart of volunteer Open Source community-driven projects just like Joomla!

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  327 Hits

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