Roland Dalmulder, The man behind RO CSVI

Extension Developers Interview - Roland Dalmulder

If there's one person who represents action in Joomla, it could be Roland Dalmulder. For a long time now, he's been moving forward without looking back, even running, wearing the Joomla colors! And when he stops to take a breather, it's only to set off again! 
This marathon coder is back this year with the firm intention of helping users of his renowned extensions, as well as getting even more involved in the Joomla! project.

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  95 Hits

Tim Davis, from pastor in life to Joomla evangelist


When it comes to videos, podcasts and Joomla streamers, one name always stands out: Tim Davis!

Is it any coincidence that this real-life pastor is so enthusiastic about sharing both his knowledge and his passion for Joomla!
We asked him about his relationship with the community and how he came to produce such interesting and valuable videos.

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  180 Hits

How Joomla changed my life: 19 inspiring stories


Wait - what? A content management system changing lives? Surely that can’t be a thing? Well, turns out it is. Like every other free and open source software, Joomla makes it possible for millions of people worldwide to change their life for the better. So: free, yes, but priceless in what it brings to us. JCM asked 19 people just one simple question: how did Joomla change your life? Read their inspiring stories!

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  701 Hits

My Joomla journey - Sergey Tolkachyov


Sergey Tolkachyov devotes his work and free time to Joomla. What was once a hobby has become his profession, and you can tell he loves Joomla.

He shares his knowledge with the Russian-speaking community and beyond, and today he shares with us what it feels like to be a Joomla developer.

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  276 Hits

Joomla Day USA Debriefing - Why everyone should attend next year!


So… where to start, what a whirlwind of an event. Joomla Day USA, Nashville Tennessee.  

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  266 Hits

Why I contribute to Joomla: Peter Martin


Ever since he started needing to code missing features for his own clients, Peter Martin has been eager to share and help the Joomla community alongside his professional activity.

As a result, Peter Martin is one of Joomla's longest-standing and most loyal contributors. So we asked him about the reasons that led him to get involved in the development of the CMS.

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  264 Hits

Reconnect with Joomla, Brisbane, Australia (March 15-17, 2024)


Australian Joomla enthusiasts last gathered in person for JoomlaDay Australia in August 2019 in Brisbane, Queensland. Plans were afoot for JoomlaDay in Melbourne in 2020, but— Well, we know how that year and the following panned out!

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  351 Hits

Joomla User Groups: the place where Joomlers meet 


Where can I find other people working with Joomla? How can I learn more about Joomla? Who can I discuss issues with? The answer to these questions: a Joomla User Group! We have JUGs all over the world, and virtual ones, and everyone can join. There’s a Joomla Team dedicated to JUGs: coordinating, encouraging, supporting and helping JUGs. In January 2024, the second international Joomla User Group meeting took place. Laura Gordon tells us what happened there and what’s going to happen next.

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Turning home-built into an on-brand illustrated showcase


As a business owner working with many global and household names, Abi knew she needed a website which truly reflected her services and personality.

Working with bespoke illustrations and professional copywriting, the finished website is a beautiful, custom result, to replace a dated and tired website that was no longer fit for purpose - demonstrating that Joomla can be used for stunning results at the same time!

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  303 Hits

Just a Break, no Goodbye - Thank you, Harald Leithner


Elections again… one of the reasons is that you, Harald, stepped down as Operations DC. I understand your decision, being totally in the hot spot of Joomla! leadership is, at times, absolutely no fun. But it is also a very sad moment for the Joomla! project as you, Harald, were the rock in the surf for many people in Joomla!. Hundreds (probably thousands) of volunteers benefited from your support and millions of website owners benefited from your dedication for Joomla.

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  2899 Hits

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