If you spend some time around the web, social media and Joomla, you will most likely at some point hunt around a couple of Facebook Groups in/around the topic of Joomla! and if you do, inevitably (or at least for your sake I hope so) you will come across a group called: Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla! or possibly a mention of the Small Business JUG (more on that later)... that is how I came across the kind, humble and always seen smiling Joomler that is Robin Clapp.
Having been around the JoomlaSphere in some capacity or another for years, what keeps me around and coming back are the wonderful and super helpful people that I have encountered over the years... some stay, some go, some comeback and some don't but they are collectively the pillars of the Joomla! project no matter in what way they participate, or contribute...
Usually, the people who volunteer to answer our questions are heavily involved in either the Joomla community or the Joomla project, or sometimes both. Mayank Sahu has just joined the community, but he's no newcomer to Joomla. He has years of development experience behind him, particularly on Joomla, and he explains his choice of profession to us.
He's keen to get involved if time permits, so let's welcome him and listen to his story.
At the moment of writing (mid April 2023), Crystal Dionysopoulos has survived her first few weeks as President of the Board of Directors of Open Source Matters (the organisation that powers Joomla). We at the JCM are very curious about our new president: what is she like, what will she bring and how can we all help her move Joomla forward?
If anyone knows from personal experience what it’s like to be on the Board of Directors of Open Source Matters (the organisation powering Joomla), it would be Luca Marzo. He recently started his seventh term as Secretary of the Board, elected by us, the people of Joomla. After six terms on the Board, is there still any fun left? And what makes a good Board? Read and find out!
This months interviewee has only joined volunteering in the Joomla project three years ago. And he is quite active online too, answering questions from Joomlers for example. He is the Team Lead of the Joomla Extensions Directory team, come and meet Mark Fleeson!
Over 15 years ago Cédric Keiflin crossed the road of Joomla, he learned the CMS, but that’s not all. He shared his knowledge via certain products and his writings, in the French-speaking and international community.
Next in our Meet-a-Joomler - series we are going to meet Tom van der Laan. You might already have seen some of his work: he has made the latest release images as being in the Marketing team. But this isn’t where Tom started in our community. Enjoy his interview and find out what his first steps in the Joomniverse looked like!
I guess most contributors to the code of Joomla have heard of Niels. Personally, I (only) met him at a Joomla Conference in Spain and he striked me as a passionate man. I loved reading his answers on my questions, I hope you do too.
In this month's issue we have an interview with Andrew Barber. While perhaps not many people know of his volunteering work for Joomla, he really is helping the project a lot. Let's meet Andrew!
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