Joomla Academy is ready for take off - Join us!

oomla Academy - how is it going?

Students looking for an opportunity to contribute to open source development and work with the best on a great content management system: this article’s for you. People who know their way around Joomla’s code and want to share their knowledge and help shape Joomla’s future: this article is for you. Read all about the Joomla Academy coming to life!

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  62 Hits

Do we still need jQuery or should we stick to the script?

Do we still need JQuery or should we stick to the script?

When jQuery emerged in 2006 it was one of only a few frameworks that enabled developers to write Javascript faster using shorthand for functions and enabling daisychaining to reduce repetition.

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  32 Hits

Joomla 5 email templates - how to add variables via plugin

Joomla 5 email templates - how to add variables via plugin

In Joomla 5, customizable email templates have made an entrance, for core and third-party components. They cannot (yet) be added on their own, they are added during the installation.

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  62 Hits

What is the Code along JUG and who is it for?

What is the Code along JUG and who is it for

There's a new Joomla User Group in town! Or not exactly "town": it's online. The Code Along JUG is a User Group for everyone interested in coding (regardless of experience level). Meetings take place on Zoom on every third Sunday of the month. 

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  32 Hits

Geraint Edwards, The man behind JEvents, YourSites and EasyLayouts

Geramin Edwards: The man behind JEvents, YourSites and EasyLayouts

If you're a Joomla user, you've probably already heard of JEvents, YourSites or EasyLayouts. But do you know the man behind these essential extensions?

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  50 Hits

Interview with the all-rounder Tuan Pham Ngoc!

Interview with the all-rounder Tuan Pham Ngoc!

There have been many people involved in Joomla over the past 20 years; some build websites for clients, some help for a time by promoting Joomla, some others contribute their time to a Joomla! Team, some build an extension, and others write code to fix, or improve a functionality in Joomla!... and then, some are all-rounders: they do most if not all of the above...

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  67 Hits

Roland Dalmulder, The man behind RO CSVI

Extension Developers Interview - Roland Dalmulder

If there's one person who represents action in Joomla, it could be Roland Dalmulder. For a long time now, he's been moving forward without looking back, even running, wearing the Joomla colors! And when he stops to take a breather, it's only to set off again! 
This marathon coder is back this year with the firm intention of helping users of his renowned extensions, as well as getting even more involved in the Joomla! project.

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  144 Hits

Yannick Gaultier, the man behind Weeblr


Yannick Gaultier isn't an SEO consultant, but it's an area he loves and he's one of the most knowledgeable people in the Joomla world.

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  258 Hits

Harnessing the Power of Bearsampp: A Developer’s Journey


A few years ago, I had the chance to meet Troy and during one conversation we had, he introduced me to a project he was working on: Bearsampp. I develop primarily under the Windows environment, which I have grown accustomed to from working at previous companies. I create numerous instances of Joomla for testing and for actual projects, therefore a reliable local server environment is critical. Bearsampp sounded interesting, and, even though I was all set (I thought), I decided to give it a try.

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  357 Hits

Ryan Demmer, The man behind JCE


Among the extensions that Joomlers have become accustomed to installing as standard on their sites, JCE is generally at the top, and has been for years. Users are so used to it that they forget that behind this editor is a developer who has devoted 20 years of his life to providing a quality tool. Let's meet Ryan Demmer, the proud father of JCE (Joomla Content Editor)

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  398 Hits

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