What is it like to be a Joomla release manager? Why not become one and find out!


The point of this intro is to stop you from running scared. If you think this is way out of your reach, then think again. Seriously, we have had many release managers over the last few years, and several have NOT been coders. The job has changed for good reasons, and the outcome has been better: more stable releases with a growing support network of past managers who can help with the process.
Read on, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

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  1111 Hits

18 ways to give back to Joomla


Born 18 years ago, Joomla is an open-source project supported solely by volunteers. Here are 18 ways to help Joomla if you want to support this project.

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  3600 Hits

Do you have a few hours to help enhance Joomla’s latest feature, Guided Tours?


Guided Tours in Joomla has been a prominent project within the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. Guided Tours was the main feature of the Joomla 4.3 release showcasing the power of teamwork and determination. This article highlights the ongoing efforts to refine and expand Guided Tours and the need for users who can help enhance the Guided Tours feature.

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  749 Hits

Capital Team: show me the money!


"We should do an article about our Capital Team," Luca Marzo said during the kick-off meeting for this issue. "Should be pretty easy to write as it will be very short," one of the authors present responded. He was right, and that was exactly the point: at the moment we don't have a Capital Team, but we need one. And if money is totally your thing, we need you to be in it.

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  24741 Hits

Who does Joomla need right now?


You’ve probably heard or read it more than once: Joomla needs volunteers. Without people, new releases take longer and have less exciting features, documentation remains incomplete and bugs take forever to get fixed. But who do we need, and what would they be doing? Read how you can help.

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  25083 Hits

The Joomla Community Needs more Volunteers


Whether it's a community group in your local area, or a global free and open source software project like Joomla, volunteers are an important resource for any organization. Joomla! In fact, it would not exist without over 750 volunteer contributors to the code base alone, along with hundreds of other volunteers over the past 17 years that have made Joomla what it is today.

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  1358 Hits

The JCM Team is looking for you!


The Joomla Community Magazine comes out each month with at least 10 - ideally more - articles on everything Joomla. Our magazine allows people to discover Joomla core’s features, read case studies, and get to know Joomlers, members of the leadership, extensions developers and template designers through interviews. We do this with a team that is very enthusiastic and dedicated, but a little too small. We would very much like you to join us - here's the vacancies we currently have!

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Suit Up, Joomla needs YOU to join its Marketing Team


Those familiar with Superhero movies and comics will know the world is divided into two camps: Marvel and DC. The Marvel superheroes such as Iron man and Captain America, and the DC ones such as my own favourite, Batman.

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  1992 Hits

Can you give some Time4Joomla?


Do you sometimes wonder who the people behind the scenes are putting Joomla together? Most of the time it's users like you who have decided to give a little bit of time - answering a form post, translating some language strings, writing some documentation or perhaps testing some patches. Here's how you can give some Time4Joomla.

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  6897 Hits

Community Openings - July 2021


Since September 2021 each month in the Joomla Community Magazine the Volunteer Engagement Team have been promoting roles that need staffing throughout the Joomla project. We're keen to find people, as well as find out why we're not finding people. Can you help?

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  2200 Hits

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