Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: the basics


When you start creating your website, you may want to search for a template that fits the design you have in mind. Instead of looking at extensive templates, page builders or frameworks with endless possibilities, you could also try Joomla’s core template, Cassiopeia. It looks simple, but it’s so powerful once you know how to use it. In this article, we cover the basic settings and options of Joomla’s built-in powerhouse.

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  2207 Hits

Joomla is Yours: create user avatars in the Backend Template Atum


Not only the sites you produce with Joomla – but also the Backend where you and your customers develop and maintain the site can and should be yours. With a few hacks, you can make it even more yours.

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  1759 Hits

The Pitfalls of Web Fonts: Embracing the Benefits of System Fonts for Web Design


Choosing the right typeface is a critical decision that influences a website's aesthetics, readability, and overall user experience. While web fonts are popular for their versatility and creative possibilities, they come with their fair share of disadvantages. In this post, we'll explore the drawbacks of using web fonts and showcase a new feature in Joomla 5 to make better use of system fonts.

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  1419 Hits

Less than 5 mins to change the design of the search module


"Joomla is complicated", "Joomla is for tech guys", "Joomla isn't user friendly", etc. are the most common (unfair) critics I read the most about this awesome CMS. 

In fact, Joomla is exactly like any other topic: cooking, astrophysic, woodcraft, scuba diving, etc. It's complicated as long you don't take time to learn and to train about a minimum.

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  681 Hits

Style your Joomla website: The mindful movement


In the last article of this series we created a website for a fitness center called “Be fit” and added some colors to the menu and a few page elements. In this article we will stay by “Be fit” and add some movement.

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  574 Hits

Style your Joomla website: Bring color to your menu


Do you use Joomla’s built-in Cassiopeia template? And would you like to (re)style the pages on your website, but don’t know where to start? Then this series is for you! Joomla has some lesser known functions we can use to style our pages without the need of overrides.

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  1381 Hits

Template Frameworks: Go further in the management of your Joomla sites


Joomla is offered with a basic Template on which you can work to customize your site to the identity of your company, your customer, your association.

But sometimes this is not enough and you might feel the need to use a specific tool : a template framework.

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  27001 Hits

The Making of “The Best Website”


Peter Martin was annoyed by bad websites, got inspired by some packaging, and built a multilingual Joomla website in 5 languages under 5 Top Level Domains about the best practices for websites.

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  3331 Hits

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