Pizza has gone - Bugs and Fun remain


The Pizza bugs and Fun event in February 2024 is over, Pizza is eaten and most likely digested, but Bugs and Fun persist. You might have caught the bug testing and enjoy the feeling of marking a test as successful. When one of your tests is crucial for the merging of a PR or prevents a catastrophe - how cool is that? 
However, as a non-developer, you might not know how to continue the PR testing on your own, so here are some hints.

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  492 Hits

End-to-end testing with Joomla! and Cypress - My First Steps and thoughts


Automated tests are not a special tool for software developers in large projects. Especially for extensions, automated tests are a help to quickly identify problems. They help to ensure that extensions work smoothly in newer Joomla versions.

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  30438 Hits

Off to Cyprus, ehm, Cypress - How Joomla does its end-to-end testing


Once, there was a time when testers had to manually test everything in Joomla, clicking through all the views and features each and every time a change was made. It was exhausting, cumbersome and prone to errors.

Along came Selenium! A tool to automatically control browsers, defining long click paths through all of Joomla, repeatable, reliable, not exhausting and requiring less people-power. And the testers saw all the tests that they made, and it was very good.

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  1744 Hits

Pizza, Bugs & Fun 2020


What would 2020 be without another event that’s run differently? We couldn’t supply pizza to JUGs this year, so participants around the world made their own for PBF20!

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  3848 Hits

A first approach to accessibility testing


Accessibility is a key aspect of our sites and from the JAT we put our efforts into making Joomla more accessible. But Joomla is just one of the pieces in the final puzzle of your website. The final result depends on your template and other extensions you use.

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  5312 Hits

The progression of Joomla! software

The progression of Joomla! software Learn how the Joomla CMS is developed

Joomla! is an Open Source project that allows the development of Websites and applications through the use of tools – sophisticated or not – that allow their creation, such as articles or the construction of modules. With each release, we find new features or improvements that allow easier use for those who want to create their own site.

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