Tools to build a Component - 2: An Embedded Application


In the second episode of our building-tools adventure we'll delve deeper into our event schedule example and explore how to implement it using two Joomla application builders — Seblod and Fabrik. We'll not yet create a full component, instead we’ll embed our application within these extensions. By doing so we will also get a better understanding of the requirements for the component we want to build in subsequent articles of the series.

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  330 Hits

Tassos Marinos, the man behind Tassos Extensions

Tassos Marinos

Tassos is a Greek first name which, thanks to the hard work of a Joomla user, has become a well-known brand of extensions in the community.
Tassos Marinos now leads a company which provides a number of useful extensions ( some say essential ) in free or pro versions, and always with the same desire to be useful to Joomla users.
Let's take a look at the origins of this project, and find out who the man behind the developer is.

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  603 Hits

Why I contribute to Joomla : Harald Leithner


For years, Harald Leithner has been developing Joomla extensions for his customers, but he didn't stop at just that. He's also very active in improving the core of Joomla and contributing his technical knowledge for new features and takes part in a few teams even as Leader.

But what inspired him to contribute to the development of your favourite CMS?

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  1676 Hits

End-to-end testing with Joomla! and Cypress - My First Steps and thoughts


Automated tests are not a special tool for software developers in large projects. Especially for extensions, automated tests are a help to quickly identify problems. They help to ensure that extensions work smoothly in newer Joomla versions.

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  30491 Hits

AI extensions you can use with Joomla


Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the march, coming to the fore in many different industries and work spaces. Its impact is already felt online, with more content and images being artificially generated. What can we do with AI right now in conjunction with Joomla? This article explores what's already out there and what could be around the corner for joomla and AI.

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  3023 Hits

Because we are all responsible!


Joomla is an open-source content management system with a living community (his heart) and an enormous ecosystem. The sheer number of available extensions and templates (most free) benefits developers, webmasters and everyday users alike. But like any other ecosystem, Joomla is also fragile and needs to be protected if we want to keep it alive.

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  26162 Hits

Getting extensions ready for Joomla 4 - Sascha Dube (YOOTheme Pro)


With Joomla 4 stable already released, many people are thinking about migrating their sites or starting new sites directly on Joomla 4. But, the question that arises is if all the extensions or templates are already available. To answer that question, we have been talking to the developers for several months now to find out what their update plans are. On this occasion, we talked to Sascha Dube, from YooTheme Pro, one of the major page builders we can find on the market today.

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Getting extensions ready for Joomla 4 - Alex Andreae (SourceCoast)


Joomla 4 Stable is out, and of course, you want to migrate your site as soon as possible. But… wait… what about your extensions? If they’re not ready, they might cause your site to break (always make a backup, people). Of course we have Joomla 3.10 with the pre-update checker to establish if your extensions are ready, but the JCM goes a little further: we ask the developers. This issue we had a nice conversation with Alex Andreae from SourceCoast, the developers of the go-to tool for connecting your website to social networks: JFBConnect.

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  6838 Hits

Getting extensions ready for Joomla 4 - Chetan Madaan (JoomDev)


As you may have discovered by now, Joomla 4 Stable is out! This is the time you might start to worry about your extensions. Are they compatible? And if they’re not, will they ever be? And if they’ll be compatible, when?

You might have heard about Joomla 3.10 being the bridge to a smooth transition from version 3.x to 4, but maybe you need a little more reassurance. We get that, and that is why your very own JCM asks the developers where they are right now when it comes to compatibility.

This month we interviewed Chetan Madaan from Joomdev, the people behind numerous templates and extensions, including the popular Astroid Framework.

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  2722 Hits

Getting extensions ready for Joomla 4 - Tomasz Kowalski (DJ-Extensions)

May-DJExtensions Getting extensions ready: DJ-extensions

For some months now,  we have been approaching extension developers to ask them how they are working towards Joomla 4. This time we talked to Tomasz Kowalski, from DJ-Extensions, whose primary focus is on the customers and making the next version upgrade as smooth as possible.

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  4300 Hits

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