This article has two parts. In the first part, I summarise what the terms Fediverse and ActivityPub mean. In the second part, I briefly describe what I have implemented to make a Joomla website support the ActivityPub protocol and allow a Mastodon user to follow a Joomla website user.
Maybe you've heard people talk about overrides. Or maybe you've seen the mysterious notification "Overrides to check" in your Joomla 4 backend. What are these overrides you hear so much about? Astrid Günther explains.
I recently had an interesting conversation with my daughter. She couldn't believe I grew up in a house without a telephone. We got a phone when I was 13 years old. But the reason for getting it was primarily to keep in touch with my grandma. Just calling a friend was expensive at that time. Who you spent your free time with was determined by who lived nearby. Today, I enjoy not limiting my activities primarily to people in my local area. On the Internet, I can easily communicate with people who share my interests.
You don't have a logo and there is no text that fits instead of the logo on your website. Instead, you want to display a banner at the top of your Joomla website. Your menu should appear under this banner. The logo or the alternative text should not be visible at all. You would prefer your website to look exactly as you created it using Joomla 3 and Protostar. How can this be done with Cassiopeia?
For me, surprisingly, I received an invitation to a Joomla! Automated Testing Code Sprint. Developers from all over the world come together. Of course I did not say no. My experiences with the active participation in the Code Sprint I would like to share with you in this article.
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