Tools to build a Component - Episode 1: Introduction and Core Solution


You probably know Joomla is THE tool for creating websites, because it's really complete straigth out of the box. If you need a little more, you could use one of the thousands of extensions available in the Joomla Extensions Directory... or create your own. In this series, Herman Peeren takes us through the options.

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  189 Hits

Creating full width Joomla modules inside content


Over the last few weeks I have been rebuilding a joomla website that was built with a pagebuilder using just core Joomla and the core Cassiopeia template. This wasn't for a client, it was just as an exercise to satisfy my own belief that you don't need a pagebuilder.

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  275 Hits

Collapsible sections with Bootstrap


Do you have pages with a lot of content, or do you want to create a page where the visitor can decide for themselves which info they’d like to see (like an FAQ page)? An accordion is perfect for that. The visitor gets an overview of the topics, clicks on the interesting ones and the content gets revealed. And the good part is: you don’t need an extension for this, you can do it with a little tweaking - creating an override - of one of Joomla’s core views. Here’s how you do it!

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  94 Hits

Making workflows that work for you


I like the word workflow. It makes me feel more organised just by saying it. When my work flows I’m happy. In Joomla this form of organisation is a hierarchy that enables a means of moderation so that admins or editors can control content, making sure it doesn’t get published without some form of approval.

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Content Templates - the Joomla Page Builder you didn't know you already had


Why are you using a so-called page builder when Joomla has everything you probably need right in the box? Don't know what I am talking about? Well it's a fairly hidden feature of the TinyMCE editor called Content Templates.

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  568 Hits

Guided Tours: Getting Better and Better - Here’s What's New!


You may have seen them in the backend of your Joomla 4 or 5 website: Guided Tours, the ultimate way to get familiarized with your Joomla website. And while Joomla 5 keeps getting better (thanks to our awesome developers), so does Joomla's Little Helper, aka the Guided Tours!

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  525 Hits

How to Customize the Joomla 5 Login Page


In this beginner tutorial, you'll learn how to customize the login page of your Joomla 5 site. No coding skills required, no useless extension to install, just you and the Joomla's magic :)

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  388 Hits

How to add an icon to the article title


A while ago someone asked in a Mattermost channel how to add an icon to the article titles in a blog layout. My first impulse was “with CSS of course!”. But the requirement was extended with “each article should have an individual icon”. That’s a nice challenge, and one that can be done with an override that makes adding icons easy for content managers.

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  396 Hits

Explore the core: multiple pages, tabs and sliders with the Page Break Plugin


When you want to present your content with tabs, sliders, or multiple pages with navigation, you could head over to the Joomla Extensions Directory… but you don't need to. The functionality is built right into the core, super easy to use!

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Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: how to use css classes to style images


In the last article of this series (Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: how to use css classes for your category blog) we talked about css classes for the category blog. Now we want to explore the possibilities for styling and positioning images inside an article.

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