Safeguarding Your Joomla Content Against AI Crawlers


Joomla is no exception to the trend towards artificial intelligence, and there are extensions that allow you to link up with it and use it to create content, but it may also be that you don't want your content to be used to feed this enormous knowledge base.

Ask yourself if your site has been used to train artificial intelligence. You can do the test at this site: and decide whether you want to leave your site to the AIs.

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  888 Hits

How to add an icon to the article title


A while ago someone asked in a Mattermost channel how to add an icon to the article titles in a blog layout. My first impulse was “with CSS of course!”. But the requirement was extended with “each article should have an individual icon”. That’s a nice challenge, and one that can be done with an override that makes adding icons easy for content managers.

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  674 Hits

My Joomla journey - Sergey Tolkachyov


Sergey Tolkachyov devotes his work and free time to Joomla. What was once a hobby has become his profession, and you can tell he loves Joomla.

He shares his knowledge with the Russian-speaking community and beyond, and today he shares with us what it feels like to be a Joomla developer.

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  273 Hits

Joomla Day USA Debriefing - Why everyone should attend next year!


So… where to start, what a whirlwind of an event. Joomla Day USA, Nashville Tennessee.  

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The April Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the April Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  1061 Hits

Tamper-Proof core updates for Joomla - TUF making it into 5.1


Joomla is built by many talented individuals, carefully reviewing every code contribution made to the project to ensure that a secure system is built.

But what would happen if an attacker is able to manipulate the Joomla update server? Or if a successful attack is made against the CDN that Joomla uses for update distribution? Or to ask a more generic question: how can we be sure that an update presented in Joomla backend is actually legitimate?

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  915 Hits

Green websites help to keep your feet dry


Being green to try and lessen global warming has become part of everyday life for some; for others, it's something that doesn't affect them, or so they think. If we are serious about looking after the environment, we should see some serious changes in how we do things. Because it's exactly the way we have gone about our lives that has caused this crisis, it makes sense that to mitigate it our lives must change to a new, more sustainable way of living.

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  1175 Hits

What's new in Joomla 5.1?


The latest version of Joomla brings a number of interesting improvements and features for users and developers. Here's an overview of the main new features in Joomla 5.1!

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  1439 Hits

Getting to know the team behind Joomla 5.2


This month we are thrilled to include a double interview with the new Joomla 5.2 release team: Marc Dechèvre and Peter Martin. The aim of these interviews is to let the Community know a bit more about the release leads and their plans for the future of Joomla 5.2.

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  1269 Hits

What type of image should I use on my website?


This guide for beginners simply explains what the different image file formats are and how to properly use them on your website.

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  1031 Hits

Finding your way in the Joomla Community


So you’ve decided to join the Joomla Community, and maybe even dedicate some of your talent, skills to Joomla. Great! But now what? Where is everyone? Where do all these cool people meet? How to find a team that suits you, and how to join them? We’ve got you covered! Read all about the steps you can take to get settled in, and know: every step of the way, there’s someone who can help you.

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  1400 Hits

Explore the core: multiple pages, tabs and sliders with the Page Break Plugin


When you want to present your content with tabs, sliders, or multiple pages with navigation, you could head over to the Joomla Extensions Directory… but you don't need to. The functionality is built right into the core, super easy to use!

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  718 Hits

Why I contribute to Joomla: Peter Martin


Ever since he started needing to code missing features for his own clients, Peter Martin has been eager to share and help the Joomla community alongside his professional activity.

As a result, Peter Martin is one of Joomla's longest-standing and most loyal contributors. So we asked him about the reasons that led him to get involved in the development of the CMS.

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  263 Hits

Reconnect with Joomla, Brisbane, Australia (March 15-17, 2024)


Australian Joomla enthusiasts last gathered in person for JoomlaDay Australia in August 2019 in Brisbane, Queensland. Plans were afoot for JoomlaDay in Melbourne in 2020, but— Well, we know how that year and the following panned out!

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  348 Hits

The March Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the March Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  1252 Hits

Leadership interview: Carlos Cámara, Operations Department Coordinator

Carlos Cámara

Joomla's Operations Department Coordinator is responsible for the day to day operation of all the websites, such as the Joomla Extensions Directory, the one and only Joomla Community Magazine and the Volunteers Portal. Since a few weeks, Operations has a new coordinator: Carlos Cámara. Carlos has been volunteering for quite a while, so he's not exactly a new face in the Joomla Crowd. Find out why he stepped up for this particular board position!

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  1637 Hits

Less than 10 mins to change the design of the login module


"Joomla is complicated", "Joomla is for tech guys", "Joomla isn't user friendly". These are just a few of the most common (unfair) critics - or rather: assumptions - I've read about this awesome CMS.

In fact, Joomla is exactly like any other CMS or topic: cooking, astrophysic, woodcraft, scuba diving, etc. It's complicated if you don't take time to learn and to train about a minimum.

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  1442 Hits

Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: how to use css classes to style images


In the last article of this series (Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: how to use css classes for your category blog) we talked about css classes for the category blog. Now we want to explore the possibilities for styling and positioning images inside an article.

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  10352 Hits

Why I contribute to Joomla : Harald Leithner


For years, Harald Leithner has been developing Joomla extensions for his customers, but he didn't stop at just that. He's also very active in improving the core of Joomla and contributing his technical knowledge for new features and takes part in a few teams even as Leader.

But what inspired him to contribute to the development of your favourite CMS?

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  1654 Hits

You can't fool me when it comes to SPF, DKIM, and DMARC!


Every day, we send and receive emails, and often, these contain important information that we want delivered securely and for the intended recipient's eyes only. When important things end up in the spam folder, it is a pain… but this is an inconvenience that you can address with a degree of success.Since we are bombarded with fake emails, spam and spoofs trying to trick and do us harm, fighting spam is necessary. If you send emails, there’s a number of tools you can (or should) use to not be classified as spam and show you’re legit: SPF, DKIM and DMARC. 

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  1038 Hits

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