There are many website builders, platforms, and CMSs out there to consider for your organization's new website. While it can be tempting to choose a DIY hosted service, it might not be the best option for you in the long-term.
When designing a website one technique for people with lousy design abilities (as myself) is to use Color Wheel to choose the best matching ones that fit your design.
After Justine Ayebale Abunyanga got her Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, she started working as a web designer. First, she made hardcoded HTML websites, but when she discovered Joomla, her life suddenly became a whole lot easier. Today, she co-directs the Ugandese IT-company Webstar Uganda. Justine had been an active member of the local community for a while when she decided to run for VP, a role she considers as a broad one: “This role requires that you represent everyone.”
Troy Hall (aka Bear) has been actively involved in many areas of the Joomla Community including the Bug Squad since the early days. He is often found helping users in the Joomla Facebook group. He knows Joomla well and from the very early days. He has forgotten more about how Joomla ticks than many of us will ever know.
Joomla! is all about community. This community is strong because of individuals who give of their time and talent, people like YOU! While coders are needed, other skills are too. There are many opportunities in marketing, finance, legal, compliance, testing, and more.
You may have heard of it, read about it, or maybe even been there: in the beginning of 2020, Joomla’s Forum for the Future took place in Marbella, Spain. You might be wondering what happened there, what happened after, and where we are now.
A different view for a core Joomla module. An event calendar based on the category blog view. A photo gallery, also based on a category blog. A directory. A product listing. These are just a few examples of the great things you can achieve by overriding Joomla’s core.
Hi ?! My name is Ben Morss. I’m a Developer Advocate at Google, where my job is to help make it easier to make websites that are excellent for everyone. I also used to be a "serious" musician, so you can still find me recording songs in the attic that's now my workspace. And laboring on my opera that's sort of about Steve Jobs.
What would 2020 be without another event that’s run differently? We couldn’t supply pizza to JUGs this year, so participants around the world made their own for PBF20!
How many times have we heard this phrase but is it really true? Most content creators will spend a long time selecting the perfect photo to illustrate their article. The key word is illustrate. The image should be used to enhance the content. Perhaps to set the mood of the article or to illustrate an example in the text such as a product shot.
Marianela Quemé has been Assistant Department Coordinator for Marketing and Communications since early 2020. When the position of Department Coordinator became vacant, she decided to go for it and got elected. Marianela is a systems engineer who enjoys learning new technologies.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a complex and heavily enforced privacy law that protects the personal data of European Union data subjects. While many focus their GDPR compliance efforts on updating Privacy Policies, responding to data subject requests and standard contractual clauses, there is one element that is often overlooked - privacy by design.
We all have them: those moments when you wish someone showed you how. How to install or use an extension, how to configure something within Joomla core, how to use the SEO settings, how to make a multilingual website, how to maintain your website and keep it safe, how to create overrides... The ultimate how-to is, of course, a video, so here’s a listing of the best Joomla tutorial videos.
Accessibility is a key aspect of our sites and from the JAT we put our efforts into making Joomla more accessible. But Joomla is just one of the pieces in the final puzzle of your website. The final result depends on your template and other extensions you use.
It may not seem like website speed would be the deciding factor for an online purchase, but it impacts your sales more than you realize.
JoomlaDay Chicago 2020 Virtual Conference was held Friday, Oct 16th, and Saturday, Oct 17th. It turned out to be a perfect day for it as it was a cool and cloudy day, perfect for hanging out with friends online. JoomlaDay Chicago 2020 was sponsored by YellowWebMonkey, The Turn Group, JoomlaStars, and presenting sponsor Danico Enterprises.
Joomla! is an Open Source project that allows the development of Websites and applications through the use of tools – sophisticated or not – that allow their creation, such as articles or the construction of modules. With each release, we find new features or improvements that allow easier use for those who want to create their own site.
Would you like to get more involved with Joomla? Read more about this month’s highlighted volunteer positions below.
September is about to end and the JCM team is glad to bring you another issue of the Joomla Community Magazine.
Many things happened from the last edition of the Mag in the J!sphere: the most important is the release of the 4th Beta of Joomla 4 and the 2nd Alpha version of Joomla 3.10.
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