Shirielle D. Williams (SD) is a long-time Joomla! volunteer serving as Joomla User Group Chicago North (JUGCN) lead, JoomlaDay Chicago coordinator, and on several Joomla teams.

When not volunteering for the Joomla project, SD is the owner and president of Danico Enterprises, a web and digital marketing firm located in the Chicago northwest suburbs.

Creating and supporting solutions powered by Joomla are at the heart of Danico’s work.


The End of the Journey for 4.3 Co-Release Managers

Joomla4.3 Release managers

Our journey is coming to an end… 

Joomla 4.3 Co-Release Managers Olivier and SD, share their experience as release managers now that their branch has been surpassed by the release of 4.4 and 5.0.

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How you can help Joomla 4.3 forward


Here in the United States, the month of November brings with it thoughts of thankfulness and a spirit of giving. With that in mind, Olivier Buisard and I wanted to share a word of thanks.

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Tips for Posting Your Event on the Joomla! Community Portal


The Joomla! Community Portal event listing is a great place to share your Joomla and Joomla-Related event. 

User Group meetings, JoomlaDay event, JoomlaCamp event, or a Joomla Roundtable are just a few of the types of events perfect for the community portal. Below are 6 tips to help get your event listed.

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Community Openings


I’m going to get straight to the point - WE NEED YOU!

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Community Openings - January 2021


New Year, Many Opportunities!  We are excited to welcome 2021 and YOU, our new Joomla! Community volunteers.

There is an overabundance of opportunities in marketing, finance, legal, compliance, and more. In our Joomla community, there’s a place for YOU. Read more, scroll down, continue on, you get the idea, your next opportunity to contribute awaits.

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Entice, Engage, and Educate in 2021


This year, coming out of the Forum for the Future event was the re-igniting of the Joomla Educational Outreach (JEO) Working Group. This group of motivated individuals came together with a common goal of wanting to spread awareness and training of Joomla! through the education community. It took a few months to get our feet under us and now we are poised to move in 2021.  

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JUGCN 2020 Year-end Review

December-JUGCN Joomla User Group Chicago

The end of 2020 is here. Looking back at JUGCN, we’ve covered some great topics, hosted fantastic guest speakers, and are looking forward to 2021.

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Community Openings: November 2020

Community Openings: November 2020

Joomla! is all about community. This community is strong because of individuals who give of their time and talent, people like YOU! While coders are needed, other skills are too. There are many opportunities in marketing, finance, legal, compliance, testing, and more.

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JoomlaDay Chicago 2020 Recap


JoomlaDay Chicago 2020 Virtual Conference was held Friday, Oct 16th, and Saturday, Oct 17th.  It turned out to be a perfect day for it as it was a cool and cloudy day, perfect for hanging out with friends online. JoomlaDay Chicago 2020 was sponsored by YellowWebMonkey, The Turn Group, JoomlaStars, and presenting sponsor Danico Enterprises.

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The First JoomlaCamp Chicago


The first JoomlaCamp Chicago was held on September 22, at DePaul University's Loop Campus. With a wide range of questions and answers covered, participants left feeling excited to put their expanded Joomla! knowledge to use on their own sites.  

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