Looking to contribute to the development of Joomla? Then you’ll need to know about a little thing called GitHub.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was enacted to protect the privacy rights of residents of the European Union. One of the ways in which GDPR protects privacy is by enacting certain principles relating to the processing of personal data. In the data minimisation principle, GDPR specifies that personal data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which that personal data is processed. In this article, we will discuss the data minimisation principle, including tips on how to determine if you are processing too much data and how you can evaluate your data management practices.
Would you like to get more involved with Joomla? Read more about this month’s highlighted volunteer positions below.
"Joomla is an amazing and powerful system, and has a great community" Elisa Foltyn stated in her manifesto prior to her election as Joomla’s Vice President. Elisa studied marketing as well as media design and has lots of experience in web development. She knows Joomla, she knows the community and she knows how to get the message to the whole world, which is exactly what she would like to see happen for Joomla.
During the last decade, there has been a definitive migration from a software license strategy to a subscription-based integration service that delivers the software across the Internet. This service is better known as SaaS or Software as a Service.
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Like many things in Life, the Joomla! Community Magazine (JCM) is like the mythological Phoenix that obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.
We are living in a weird period, in which we are obliged to practice “social distancing” and we cannot crowd together to meet or get things done. We saw many local and international events cancelled due to the pandemic emergency. And in this period, everyone spends more time to reflect and re-evaluate the importance of many things that we claimed were “normal” for so long.
In this edition of the Community Magazine, we wanted to put people first, remembering that Joomla exists only thanks to “its people” and we wanted to take a moment to appreciate them and their contributions.
Radek has been building Joomla extensions for more than ten years and has also given presentations and talks at various local (German and Polish) as well as at international Joomla events.
After attending the Joomla World Conference at Harvard University in 2013, Brian began volunteering for Joomla. He was involved as a member and then team leader of the Joomla Resources Directory (JRD) until 2019.
By its very nature, the Joomla board and structure is in permanent change - but we can find one constant: Luca Marzo, who is starting his fourth term as Secretary of OSM.
Before Marco Dings started his own web agency he had a career in IT. He worked for several large top tier companies and has experience in leading international teams. Marco became actively involved in Joomla when he merged his business into a bigger, full-service UK based web agency that employed several Joomla main contributors.
“What Joomla needs now is a strategy for the future which gives us the ability to survive and grow.” That is what Hugh Douglas-Smith stated in his manifesto when he ran for Legal & Finance Department Coordinator on the OSM Board. Hugh has been on the board as Operations DC for the last two years.
Christiane is a hidden gem within the Joomla Community. She is actively involved in making Joomla 4 accessible, as a member of the Accessibility Team. She also worked on the new Workflow feature that will be shipped in the new version of Joomla.
Would you like to get more involved with Joomla? Read more about this month’s highlighted volunteer positions below.
The idea for the event came out of a Production meeting on the 24th March. Bug Squad team lead Nicola Galgano suggested that while in lockdown we should do a mini PBF.
In the past month, due to a series of astronomic events, I talked about Tailwind in two video sessions, doing live coding on Youtube. I've realized that it is tough to do it well and the work that Adam Wathan does (the original Tailwind author) promoting Tailwind CSS is exceptional. Check Adam's Tailwind video channel.
For many companies and roles, COVID-19 has brought unexpected closure and job loss. However, for others, it’s been a way to get creative on how to keep their doors open, including moving to a virtual model of business.
After JandBeyond, the international Joomla conference, took a break in 2019, finally having a JAB on the horizon again in 2020 was an extremely enjoyable thought.
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