Last month, I wrote about creating a healthier community and touched on healthy communication. Let's explore a little more about what that means, and how we can find balance and communicate with kindness and honesty.
This is a long article, my friends, but stick with me to the end. It will be worth it.
For anyone who’s been involved in Joomla as a contributor, event attendee, or even just social media follower, it’s a bit of an open secret that not everyone has a good experience in this community.
FOSS Backstage is an annual conference in Berlin that is all about the behind-the-scenes work at open source projects, from community management to leadership. Robert Deutz, Sigrid Gramlinger, Jules Weigel, and I were lucky to attend on March 13th and 14th on behalf of Joomla. We all learned a lot from the diverse and engaging sessions, all of which were recorded and are freely available. Here are some of my top takeaways from the two days of learning and networking!
In September, I challenged readers to complete a small site based on a fictional brief. The goal was to see the different ways people can approach the same build, only using the features available in core Joomla. Read the original challenge here.
One of Joomla’s greatest strengths is its extensibility, and the thousands of listings in the Joomla Extensions Directory certainly prove that point.
One of Joomla’s other great strengths is its flexibility—this is harder to see, because there are many ways to build a site even when given the same brief.
I’m happy to introduce the Joomla Out of the Box challenge this month! The goal of this challenge is to showcase the many ways to build a site, using only Cassiopeia and the front end components that come installed with Joomla.
The Joomla Experience Team is a new working group (and hopefully soon, an official Production team) intended to replace the former JUX team, which has sadly been inactive since 2017.
Starting a new project with Joomla can sometimes be a little bit like writing a new article. I find myself staring at the blank page, overwhelmed by all the possibilities and different ways to acheive the same goals.
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