Joomla SEO Checklist: 28 Tips To Rank in the SERPs

May-SEO Tips and tricks for SEO

Despite the wide range of SEO tools available today, most business owners lack the resources to optimize their websites for search engines. They are at risk of failing to sustain their brand online without having a content management system such as Joomla. It greatly affects the site’s ranking, page speed, user experience, and visibility.

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  7989 Hits

Using native lazyloading on your website


With this article I would like to follow up on that topic with the current status of lazy-loading in the core as well as how to use it in 3.x today already.

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  7149 Hits

What is a CDN and how to Implement a CDN in Joomla


Were you ever curious about why large websites load their pages quicker. Sure, they have high performance dedicated servers, but they also use a globally distributed network called Content Delivery Network (CDN). This article will introduce you to the concept of CDN, how it works and how it can be configured on a Joomla website or in other words how to perform a Joomla CDN integration to help improve website content delivery speeds and reduce latency.

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  7793 Hits

Google and Joomla bringing Lazy-Loading to the web


Hi ?! My name is Ben Morss. I’m a Developer Advocate at Google, where my job is to help make it easier to make websites that are excellent for everyone. I also used to be a "serious" musician, so you can still find me recording songs in the attic that's now my workspace. And laboring on my opera that's sort of about Steve Jobs.

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  6490 Hits

How the Speed of Your Website Can Impact Your Sales

How the Speed of Your Website Can Impact Your Sales

It may not seem like website speed would be the deciding factor for an online purchase, but it impacts your sales more than you realize.

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  2979 Hits

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