Follow Up - The Joomla! Out of the Box Challenge


In September, I challenged readers to complete a small site based on a fictional brief. The goal was to see the different ways people can approach the same build, only using the features available in core Joomla. Read the original challenge here.

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Joomla! Out Of The Box - What Can You Do?


One of Joomla’s greatest strengths is its extensibility, and the thousands of listings in the Joomla Extensions Directory certainly prove that point. 

One of Joomla’s other great strengths is its flexibility—this is harder to see, because there are many ways to build a site even when given the same brief. 

I’m happy to introduce the Joomla Out of the Box challenge this month! The goal of this challenge is to showcase the many ways to build a site, using only Cassiopeia and the front end components that come installed with Joomla. 

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Join the Joomla Override Challenge!

Join the Joomla Override Challenge!

A different view for a core Joomla module. An event calendar based on the category blog view. A photo gallery, also based on a category blog. A directory. A product listing. These are just a few examples of the great things you can achieve by overriding Joomla’s core.

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