10 minutes : Référencement Joomla & conversions

10 minutes : Référencement Joomla & conversions

Tous les sites internet ont un objectif commun : ils dépendent tous d'une manière ou d'une autre du référencement (SEO). Avec le SEO et sa boîte de fonctionnalités, Joomla peut devenir un très bon ami. Ainsi, vous pouvez attirer votre marché cible, convertir vos visiteurs et obtenir un meilleur classement dans les moteurs de recherche. Nous nous sommes fixé un délai de 10 minutes... au boulot !

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  14879 Hits

J'ai le même problème...

J'ai le même problème...

Certains comportements rencontrés sur les forums, m'irritent au plus au point (l'âge sans doute ?) et le site forum.joomla.fr ne déroge pas à la règle. Aussi, quand je suis récemment tombé sur l'article écrit par Michael Russel pour Kunena, j'ai été ravi de trouver quelqu'un qui partageait mon sentiment et je me suis dit que ce serait dommage de ne pas en faire profiter tout le monde...

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  18243 Hits

Project: JIssues Tracker Status Update

Hi everyone! How are things going? I'm Zehan Zhao, a JGSoC 2014 student. Here I am with the latest status update post on my ongoing project for JIssues tracker.

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  7032 Hits

An Easy Way to Benchmark a Webserver

An Easy Way to Benchmark a Webserver

When developing new features, or when changing some settings, one must always ask, does the site perform slower or faster than before?

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  19648 Hits

Keep Calm and Write Test

Keep Calm and Write Test

In continuation with first post in series of three for the project “Framework Unit Testing”, in this one I will talk about unit testing specifically for php libraries. This post is mainly divided into two parts, one is for php unit testing and another on the project update. Feel free to skip any or all part(s).

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  10687 Hits

Talking Joomla! at WordCamp?

Talking Joomla! at WordCamp?

For me, some of the more memorable moments of the 2013 Joomla! World Conference involved WordPress leaders being present at the event openly discussing both Joomla and WordPress and each project’s unique attributes. In my time contributing to the open source community, rarely had I seen “cross-talk” like this between projects, let alone those leading projects. After that event, my interest was peaked and one of my 2014 TODO’s was to not only attend a WordCamp, but also speak at it and share how our communities can learn from one another.

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  11176 Hits

Pizza, Bugs and Fun in The Netherlands

Pizza, Bugs and Fun in The Netherlands

It’s 6:00 a.m., my alarm tells me to wake up. Not a normal time for me at all to wake up and travel to the other side of the country. But that’s just a small sacrifice for a full day of fun with a lot of people, while contributing to the project and then finishing the day with a nice pizza.

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  12434 Hits

Leadership Highlights August 2014

Leadership Highlights August 2014

Growth, improving, expanding! Is the status of the Joomla! project meeting its demands? Where do we want to go and why? What will Joomla look like in 10 years? And where will we be on an international level?

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  11038 Hits

SQL Optimization Project for Joomla CMS (Status Update)

SQL Optimization Project for Joomla CMS (Status Update)

GSoC 2014 - SQL Optimization Project for Joomla CMS was the project I am involving at the moment. After spending more time on getting familiar with the Joomla core at the moment I have implemented several queries and hope to carry out the project in order to meet the final outcome.

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  12917 Hits

Current Status of Web Driver System Test Suite of Joomla! CMS

Current Status of Web Driver System Test Suite of Joomla! CMS

Hello folks! I am currently working on this project, writing testing scripts for Joomla CMS. I have spent enough time on understanding the Joomla testing code base and I hope to improve it and increse its coverage so that I do not leave any area untested. I hope to complete my project within the timeline I have provided.


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  11736 Hits

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