The March Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the March Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  1273 Hits

Leadership interview: Carlos Cámara, Operations Department Coordinator

Carlos Cámara

Joomla's Operations Department Coordinator is responsible for the day to day operation of all the websites, such as the Joomla Extensions Directory, the one and only Joomla Community Magazine and the Volunteers Portal. Since a few weeks, Operations has a new coordinator: Carlos Cámara. Carlos has been volunteering for quite a while, so he's not exactly a new face in the Joomla Crowd. Find out why he stepped up for this particular board position!

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  1653 Hits

Less than 10 mins to change the design of the login module


"Joomla is complicated", "Joomla is for tech guys", "Joomla isn't user friendly". These are just a few of the most common (unfair) critics - or rather: assumptions - I've read about this awesome CMS.

In fact, Joomla is exactly like any other CMS or topic: cooking, astrophysic, woodcraft, scuba diving, etc. It's complicated if you don't take time to learn and to train about a minimum.

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  1475 Hits

Why I contribute to Joomla : Harald Leithner


For years, Harald Leithner has been developing Joomla extensions for his customers, but he didn't stop at just that. He's also very active in improving the core of Joomla and contributing his technical knowledge for new features and takes part in a few teams even as Leader.

But what inspired him to contribute to the development of your favourite CMS?

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  1667 Hits

Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: how to use css classes to style images


In the last article of this series (Cassiopeia, Joomla’s powerful built-in template: how to use css classes for your category blog) we talked about css classes for the category blog. Now we want to explore the possibilities for styling and positioning images inside an article.

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  10407 Hits

You can't fool me when it comes to SPF, DKIM, and DMARC!


Every day, we send and receive emails, and often, these contain important information that we want delivered securely and for the intended recipient's eyes only. When important things end up in the spam folder, it is a pain… but this is an inconvenience that you can address with a degree of success.Since we are bombarded with fake emails, spam and spoofs trying to trick and do us harm, fighting spam is necessary. If you send emails, there’s a number of tools you can (or should) use to not be classified as spam and show you’re legit: SPF, DKIM and DMARC. 

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  1083 Hits

Joomla at the women&&code conference


A software conference with only women on the podium - is that possible? Of course it is! And not just to prove this but also to share an extremely high level of knowledge the first women&&code conference took place in Vienna.

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  1970 Hits

Don’t You Forget About Me - How CRON changed my working week


As a young IT manager, sometime at the end of the last century, I came across a term that interested me a lot. It was “set it, and forget it”. Sounds a bit haphazard, doesn’t it? Apparently it was less to do with software than rotisserie chicken cooking. You'll find it on Google. Why would I want to forget something important? Well, semantics aside, the principle meant that I could go off and do other things rather than waiting to make sure my backups had run. 

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  932 Hits

CSS is evolving, evolve your code with this simple guide


I love the way some technologies are aware of what is going on around them and then pivot to make their own technology all the better by seeing if they can do the same as the bright young techs around them, bringing a new lease of life.

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  859 Hits

Pizza has gone - Bugs and Fun remain


The Pizza bugs and Fun event in February 2024 is over, Pizza is eaten and most likely digested, but Bugs and Fun persist. You might have caught the bug testing and enjoy the feeling of marking a test as successful. When one of your tests is crucial for the merging of a PR or prevents a catastrophe - how cool is that? 
However, as a non-developer, you might not know how to continue the PR testing on your own, so here are some hints.

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  514 Hits

A first step into volunteering: Pizza , Bugs and Fun


While I have been a Joomla user, website builder and non-ending promoter since before Joomla was even called Joomla, this past Pizza, Bugs and Fun of February 24th, 2024 was the first time that I hosted a community event for and with the Joomla community.

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  884 Hits

Testing Joomla made easy


Charvi Mehra, second year undergrad student at the Cluster Innovation Centre, Delhi University, India, has been contributing to Joomla since 2022, and Joomla was her first open source organization. In this article she describes her work on a project that makes testing new Joomla releases super efficient, easy and, yes, you’re reading this correctly: fun!

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  471 Hits

Pizza Bugs And Fun 2024 Kenya


There is no better feeling than how it feels when a plan comes together after all the hard work, the passion, the research, the teambuilding and the energy. Then all culminate to the targeted objective, without even a single variation of the expected results! Hurray! That would definitely deserve a cheer! It's the exact feeling I get when I remember the first day I joined the Joomla Community as a volunteer through application. 

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© James Gichur

  276 Hits

JoomlaDay USA 2024: Nashville Live & Virtual Event!


The fourth annual JoomlaDayUSA is almost here! JoomlaDayUSA 2024 marks only the second occasion of the event being hosted in person. In the friendly Joomlasphere, this event stands out with its unique blend of in-person and virtual components.

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  478 Hits

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