Bloquer les robots; diminuer le nombre d'utilisateurs fantômes

Bloquer les robots; diminuer le nombre d'utilisateurs fantômes

Trop souvent, nous sommes attaqués par des scripts malveillants qui tentent de pénétrer notre site Joomla! afin d'injecter du spam dans les commentaires du site, les forums, pages d'or, ... et, bien sûr, pour générer des utilisateurs fantômes qui, s'ils sont automatiquement approuvés, disposeront alors d'un niveau "utilisateur enregistré" qui leur permettra probablement de poster des données et donc, du spam.

Il y a quelques techniques efficaces à mettre en place sur son site Joomla! afin de diminuer cette menace.

Deux techniques concernent le fichier .htaccess et l'autre, la gestion des utilisateurs.



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  43084 Hits

Wie man die richtige Erweiterung findet Teil 3: Dokumentation

Wie man die richtige Erweiterung findet Teil 3: Dokumentation

Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht? Wie die Zeit vergeht, wenn man Artikel schreiben soll - und es wird jedes Mal wieder knapp zum Stichtag hin. Wahrscheinlich geht es den Leuten, die ihre Erweiterungen dokumentieren müssen genauso. Meistens sehen wir Benutzer uns ja nur die Demo an, lesen die Kurzbeschreibung und laden dann das Teil herunter und installieren es ... Aber da fehlt ein Schritt dazwischen; sehen wir uns doch kurz an, warum wir die Doku lesen sollten ...

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  11297 Hits

Joomla!Day Kenya 2013 - Asante Kenya!

Joomla!Day Kenya 2013 - Asante Kenya!

Seeing how are open source technologies can make a real difference in someone's life is something quite special, but see how it can help a nation to develop into the central hub for technology is just inspiring.

Joomla!Day Kenya was my first visit to Africa, and I really didn't know what to expect. I had heard there was a lot of suport for Open Source technologies in Kenya and Africa as a whole, with there already being several Joomla! user groups in existence across Africa, but none in Kenya ... yet.

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  17958 Hits

Joomla from Permissions to the FTP Layer

Joomla from Permissions to the FTP Layer

This article summarizes the first hour of my introductory course to Joomla. It's a bit "thick" as it’s about system architecture concepts for which the user does not normally have professional knowledge. So try to go slowly, be patient and don’t get discouraged. Draw the examples in the text, copy the pictures and you will see that in the end you had fun.

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  36066 Hits

Interview of the Joomla! Certification Team

Interview of the Joomla! Certification Team

Those of you who read in English, have known for a few months now that there is a new initiative in place to create a Joomla certification program. This is a project in which the presence of Joomla! community members who speak Spanish is very important. It's a project being worked on by people from more than a dozen countries and several continents. It is born from the fusion of so many different experiences and marks a milestone in the creation of a quality CMS certification program for Joomla.

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  30803 Hits

Joomla JavaScript, Fix it Right?

Joomla JavaScript, Fix it Right?

Today, the Joomla CMS is mainly implemented using PHP where JavaScript (JS) and CSS are contributing as minor supportive technologies. Joomla mainly uses JS to improve usability by providing rich interactions and responsiveness, but is it done right? Can we improve it? What are the new technological advancements related to JS? Can we use these in Joomla? This article is an attempt to answer these questions and bring more attention to improving Joomla CMS’s JS usage.

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  27560 Hits

Rebuilding Our Site Part 2: Moving from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5 (not 3.0?)

Rebuilding Our Site Part 2: Moving from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5 (not 3.0?)

This is Step 2 in the Rebuilding Our Site series. We had to upgrade from Joomla 1.5 to 2.5. This entry discusses the tools and tactics we considered when upgrading to a newer version of Joomla.

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  37772 Hits

Roundup From JUG Corner - August 2013

Roundup From JUG Corner - August 2013

With 164 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community - and I hope to produce a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings.

If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - you must be writing from a Registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at

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  14743 Hits

Crowd Sourced Translation of a Joomla Site

Crowd Sourced Translation of a Joomla Site

At the request of many of our foreign users, we found a unique way to translate our Joomla developer tool.

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  18986 Hits

Comment choisir une extension ? Partie 3 : Documentation

Comment choisir une extension ? Partie 3 : Documentation


Est-ce déjà l'heure ? … Je suppose que c'est la même chose pour les personnes qui écrivent des documentations sur leurs extensions. La plupart d'entre nous, en temps qu'utilisateurs, regardent simplement la démo, la description courte, puis nous téléchargeons et installons...
Mais laissez-moi vous donner quelques raisons pour lesquelles nous devons consulter la documentation.



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  13974 Hits

CiviCon London 2013 - Oct 3 & 4

CiviCon London 2013 - Oct 3 & 4

Registration is now open for CiviCon London 2013. The two day, annual CiviCRM user and implementer conference is Europe's biggest Civi meetup. CiviCRM is an open source CRM aimed at non profits with out of the box integration with Joomla! Whether you're already using or considering using CiviCRM, the conference will be packed with the essential presentations, workshops and people that will help your organization get the most from CiviCRM.

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  18745 Hits

JoomlaDay Houston - Preparing for Launch

JoomlaDay Houston - Preparing for Launch

JoomlaDay Houston is getting suited up and ready for a fantastic flight on October 19th!

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  20204 Hits

How to Choose an Extension: Searching the JED (Part 4.1)

How to Choose an Extension: Searching the JED (Part 4.1)

Being a part of the community I sometimes wonder how I started 6-7 years ago with Joomla!... We didn't have Facebook or Twitter, where we could ask for support or help with extensions. These days I wonder if newbies (sorry for the terminology) know how to search in the JED. Search in the WHAT...?  

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  24182 Hits

Leadership Highlights September 2013

Leadership Highlights September 2013

Goodbye and hello. When things come to an end, like a season, saying goodbye and welcoming the new is what we do. We say it at events and we have to say it in the project from time to time. It doesn’t always have to be sad to say goodbye and most of the time it is followed by a hello to the new.

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  17471 Hits

Time to Hit the Road Running!

Time to Hit the Road Running!

Summer is almost over and while it has been relaxing, it is time to pick up the pace and get back to reality! 

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  18211 Hits

Joomla! siteler ile iyi sıralama elde etmek için temel SEO

Joomla! siteler ile iyi sıralama elde etmek için temel SEO

Google mühendisleri harıl harıl arama sonuçlarına daha kaliteli sıralamalar elde etmek için çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. Bu amaçla da Google Algoritması sıklıkla güncellenerek sıralamaların manupüle edilmesinin önüne geçmeye çalışıyor. Google'ın kaliteli site kavramını oluştururken kullandığı argümanlar arasında değişmeyen ve vazgeçilmez olan bazı kurallar barındırıyor. Bu argümanlar direk olarak website'nizin Google sıralamasına en etki eden faktörleri içermesinden ötürü özellikle dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlardır.

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  16685 Hits

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