Dernière chance de mettre à jour à partir de Joomla! 2.5

Dernière chance de mettre à jour à partir de Joomla! 2.5

Ceci est un avis important sur la sécurité et la mise à jour de notre site Joomla! 2.5. Ce texte est consacré à Manuel Rubio, une personne enthousiaste et un collaborateur de Joomla, qui est mort le 15 mai dernier.  Je lui serai toujours reconnaissant pour les longues conversations que l'on a eues, ce qui m'a donné une large vue sur ce qui devait fonctionner pour la communauté et cela s'est reflété dans mon support, l'engagement et le travail de la ville de Mexico, communauté de CRUCHE. Repose en paix.

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Duas joomleiras no J and Beyond em Praga

Duas joomleiras no J and Beyond em Praga

De 29 a 31 de maio, joomlers de várias partes do mundo estiveram reunidos em Praga, na República Tcheca, para o evento J and Beyond 2015 - conferência internacional de desenvolvedores em Joomla. Entre eles, estavam duas brasileiras selecionadas no JET Programme, programa do Joomla que reconhece o trabalho voluntário dos membros da comunidade.



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  8029 Hits

Cómo utilizar gulp en el desarrollo de plantillas

Cómo utilizar gulp en el desarrollo de plantillas

Todo desarrollador de plantillas busca siempre ir mejorando su forma de trabajo: optimizar pasos, reducir los tiempos, automatizar acciones.
En los últmos años han aparecido muchas herramientas que nos ayudan en esto. El problema, como siempre, es aprender a usarlas. En este artículo les quiero presentar a gulp, un ejecutador de tareas que podemos integrar en el desarrollo de plantillas.

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  9046 Hits

Template Creator CK, l’extension indispensable !

On ne le dira jamais assez, quand vous faites un site internet (surtout pour des besoins professionnels), il faut que votre site soit totalement unique, que son design ne ressemble pas du tout à celui du site voisin (encore moins à celui du concurrent).

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  10752 Hits

SEO : balises HN et Joomla 3

SEO : balises HN et Joomla 3

Les balises HN (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 et H6) permettent de hiérarchiser un contenu et de lui donner plus d’importance en termes de référencement naturel. Un contenu bien hiérarchisé est plus facile à positionner dans les moteurs de recherche.

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  9965 Hits

Category Item Count: To a Generic Solution

Category Item Count: To a Generic Solution

Last month I described how a new feature was developed to count the number of articles in each category. At the end of the 2nd day of JoomlaDay France 2015, the feature was working… that is, it counted all articles (for com_content) in the Category Manager for Articles. I got it working by adding a hard-coded “if extension = com_content” check in the Category Manager. That’s not a solution but a workaround, I was fully aware of that.

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  8748 Hits

JET Now Open for JWC15!

JET Now Open for JWC15!

When you're a JET, you're a JET, all the way from your first cigarette, to.... the Joomla World Conference!!

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  8921 Hits

En attendant Joomla! 3.5

En attendant Joomla! 3.5

La version Joomla! 3.4 est sortie en février dernier et déjà la feuille de route commence à prendre forme pour Joomla! 3.5. Bien qu'il n'y ait pas encore de date "officieuse" pour sa sortie, on sait déjà que cette version 3.5 fait l'objet de travaux passionnants. En effet, l'équipe en charge du développement de la nouvelle version de Joomla! n'a pas seulement pour objectif d'apporter quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités mais doit aussi améliorer et alléger le package de Joomla! Oui, vous avez bien lu : apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités tout en réduisant le poids de Joomla! Si vous êtes à la recherche d'informations sur la prochaine version de Joomla!, voici quelques éléments de réponses pour satisfaire votre curiosité.

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  7251 Hits

The High Cost of Staying Old

The High Cost of Staying Old

I had a client who refused to pay to have his site migrated to Joomla 3. I argued with him, offered him deals and discounts, and still he did not see the business sense of spending money to "migrate".  His attitude was one of resentment that upgrading was now migration and all the mumbo-jumbo that went with it was just not anything he understood or even wanted to understand. He did not see the difference and the new functions didn't seem to sell him.

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  8737 Hits

Everyone Needs a Membership Site. Why?

Everyone Needs a Membership Site. Why?

There are the obvious reasons why web sites need a membership component - to collect money and to create a community. Ah, but it goes much deeper than that.

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  11852 Hits

Wrap Up from the Joomla Extension Directory Blog

Wrap Up from the Joomla Extension Directory Blog

With so much information coming from the various Joomla teams, it can be hard to stay on top of all the latest awesomeness. To make your lives a little easier, the Joomla Magazine Team and the Joomla Extension Directory Team are working together to share more information via existing channels.

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  5799 Hits

Is This Love That I’m Feeling?

Is This Love That I’m Feeling?

Back when Joomla was released I started to benefit from its features. My career took a new turn and I can say that my life changed because of Joomla. For sometime I thought I was in Love with Joomla. Only recently have I understood what that feeling really is.

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  9650 Hits

Leadership Highlights July 2015

Leadership Highlights July 2015

While summer vacations are gradually arriving for part of the world, another part enjoys the coolness of winter. Our worldwide community is as diverse as the seasons in the world. And while we stay focused on our software instead of rainbow colors, everyone is equal and welcome to collaborate in our community.

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  7135 Hits

Happy 5th Birthday, JCM!

Happy 5th Birthday, JCM!

For five consecutive years the Joomla Community Magazine has published an issue every month, with stories and articles for Joomla site builders, administrators, designers, developers, and the entire Joomla community as a whole. Thank you Joomla community for making it possible!

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  11350 Hits

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