How to Select the Best Social Network for Roaring Business Promotions?

How to Select the Best Social Network for Roaring Business Promotions?

Which exactly is the best social medium for business promos? Of course, it is a million dollar question and everyone acquainted to social networks will obviously seek an answer for this. There is quite a lot of chaos out there in the space over deciding the best ever social platform to enhance business needs; and, the answers vary from person-to-person. 


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  22349 Hits

How I Got My Website to Load in 1.29 Seconds

How I Got My Website to Load in 1.29 Seconds

We've been hearing for a while that SEO may be affected by the time your page takes to load - so recently we've started an intensive exercise of getting our websites to load in the absolute minimal time possible. Our belief is that the current load speed and rating in GTMetrix is relatively good: 85% for PageSpeed, and 95% for YSlow Grade and a load time of 1.29 seconds, so we thought we'd share how we did this. Some of these are Joomla! specific, but the general concepts apply to ANY content management system and any website.

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  111634 Hits

Thoughts on Web Design from an Inbound Marketer

Thoughts on Web Design from an Inbound Marketer

Working in digital marketing, I spend about 98% of my day online. Most of the time I'm managing social interactions, furthering my own education, and writing content. But sometimes, I like to stop and smell the online flowers. Despite having little background in web design, these experiences have led me to pick up on a few things that do and don't work on websites.

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  25033 Hits

Joomla Industry Scenario in Brazil

Joomla Industry Scenario in Brazil

Rogério Costa (@matofino) created and carried out an initial exploratory research with approximately 30 specific questions about the use of Joomla. The issues covered important points, and among them we can mention: technical questions, learning, information exchange in the community, type of clients and services, prices, etc. The research was conducted in January and February of 2012, and involved the participation of 170 users in 21 states of Brazil. With the results we have the first map about the Joomla industry which can be analyzed from several aspects.

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  12871 Hits

Série : développer une extension Joomla! 3.0 - Episode 5 : la configuration de l'administration et le nettoyage du code

Série : développer une extension Joomla! 3.0 - Episode 5 : la configuration de l'administration et le nettoyage du code

Salut à tous et soyez les bienvenus pour l’ultime partie de codage de notre série sur le développement d'une extension. Si vous avez suivi les précédents tutoriaux, vous avez passé toutes les étapes du développement nécessaires à la création d'une extension native pour Joomla 3.x. Ce fut un long processus, mais je l'espère, enrichissant et instructif. J'ai apprécié l'opportunité de partager avec vous, tout au long de ces précédents articles, des trucs et astuces sur le développement d'une extension pour Joomla!. Dans ce dernier tutoriel, nous allons explorer quelques derniers concepts, faire un peu de nettoyage et discuter de fonctionnalités supplémentaires que nous pourrions ajouter dans le futur. Alors préparez-vous à plonger dans l'ultime article sur le développement d’un composant pour Joomla! 3.x…

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  18845 Hits

Creating com_services for Front-end Website Administration for CMS 3

Creating com_services for Front-end Website Administration for CMS 3

How's Going To Be The Upcoming Joomla! Front End Administration

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  15578 Hits

Convert JavaScript from MooTools to jQuery

Convert JavaScript from MooTools to jQuery

Joomla is using MooTools as the standard JavaScript framework starting from version 1.6. This has made it to be used heavily throughout the project. In Joomla version 3.0 it introduced Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery to the core code as a front-end framework. 

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  19948 Hits

Improve Joomla! Frontend Semantics & Accessibility

Improve Joomla! Frontend Semantics & Accessibility

Hello, I'm P.Alex ― and believe me, I love all that is connected to the web world. Thanks to Google Summer of Code, this summer I will revise the accessibility and add microdata semantics in Joomla!

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  23723 Hits

Template Manager Improvements for CMS 3

I'm a student from India participating in Google Summer of Code 2013 program with Joomla. My project is about dramatically improving the Template Manager and adding a host of new functionalities to it.

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  23363 Hits

Automated Testing and System Test

Automated Testing uses one computer program to test another computer program. In Joomla, we use PHP test programs to test our PHP Joomla code. With automated tests, we can run a set of tests repeatedly, and as often as we like.

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  19648 Hits

Support for Cloud Storage APIs

Support for Cloud Storage APIs

Every time I needed to create a new website, the first option that sprang to mind was always Joomla!. So it came natural to get involved and help with the development of the open-source project that in turn helped me so much when I needed it.


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  20189 Hits

Improve Form Fields

Improve Form Fields

I am a Achal Aggarwal from India entitled as "GSOCer" or better I form it "JGSOCer" for 2013 summer. I am all set to code away this summer with Joomla. I am working on form field library so that it match up with standards of HTML5 and can provide developers an option to deisgn form elements in a more descriptive way.

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  18130 Hits

New Media Manager

Hello everyone, I am Quan and I have been chosen to complete the Google Summer of Code 2013 project of Joomla called "New Media Manager for Joomla 3".

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  26278 Hits

Building the Vulnerable Website

Building the Vulnerable Website

This article is about building a new vulnerable extension list (VEL) website to support future development with the JED and Joomla core, how it was done, and why.

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  23323 Hits

Comment choisir une extension ? Partie 1 : Etape de sélection

Comment choisir une extension ? Partie 1 : Etape de sélection

Débutant ou confirmé ? Nous rencontrons tous parfois le problème pour trouver l'extension répondant entièrement aux besoins du site que nous sommes en train de construire. Parfois c'est un jeu d'enfant, parfois vous avez envie de casser votre poste de travail et de crier à votre client, “Pourquoi, Pourquoiii ?”. Néanmoins, les extensions sont des blocs de construction permettant d'obtenir des sites Joomla! plus puissants. Regardons quelques conseils et directives sur la façon de choisir une extension.

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  18427 Hits

Leadership Highlights - July 2013

Leadership Highlights - July 2013

Here is a quick roundup of leadership news from recent days...

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  16683 Hits

404 Error Page Best Practices [Hilarious Examples Included]

404 Error Page Best Practices [Hilarious Examples Included]

We've all been faced with our fair share of 404 error pages. Now think back to those experiences, do you remember how you reacted?

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  45266 Hits

How to Choose an Extension? Part 2: Support

How to Choose an Extension? Part 2: Support

In Part 1 we looked at some selection steps, now let's go deeper into some of those steps. The one that we call "Please, I need some help...", or, in a word: support. Remember that support on an extension is crucial, but also your input toward the support is also crucial! Let's go over some tips, and remember these come from my personal point of view...

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  22872 Hits

Happy 3rd Birthday JCM!

Happy 3rd Birthday JCM!

In July of 2010 the first issue of the Joomla Community Magazine was launched. Three years, 1,100 articles, 4,400 comments and one multilingual site later, the JCM is still going strong!

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  21614 Hits

Module Modernization

Module Modernization

I'm so pleased to be a part of Joomla community in this summer and help out with development while obtaining a great exposure to the open source and web development areas. Through this project I would like to help out Joomla users as well as the developers to get the maximum out of the Joomla modules.

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  20676 Hits

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