جوملا در سالی که گذشت

جوملا در سالی که گذشت

سال 1395 خورشیدی به پایان رسید و یک سال دیگر ما کاربران جوملا «همه با هم» و ترجمان «جوملا» در عمل بودیم. این همکاری داوطلبانه نتایج خوبی برای پروژه جوملا و جامعه کاربران به دنبال داشت. ضمن تبریک نوروز و سال نو، در ادامه اتفاقاتی که نتیجه این همبستگی در سال گذشته بود را مرور می‌کنیم:

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Joomla! to attend DaVinci's Faire 2017

Joomla! to attend DaVinci's Faire 2017

Joomla! is making its first appearance at the Davinci Faire and BarCamp in Sarasota, Florida.  The event draws more than 600 people from across the gulf coast gathered at the Manatee Technical College to talk tech and show off their latest creations. 

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  5608 Hits

JUG Round Up April 2017

JUG Round Up April 2017

In March, the JUG Team sent out their first of what will be a monthly newsletter to JUG Organisers. The topic was merely to ask Organisers to come and check their listings on the JUG Directory for accuracy.

We had a number of bounced email addresses and have opened tickets wherever possible to get more listings up to date. Many JUGs updated their listings. Thank you!

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  4615 Hits

Joomla is NOT Free!

Joomla is NOT Free!

The concept of an open-source, 100% community project may seem to be a small portion of the software industry today. It was even less common over 10 years ago when Joomla! was founded. However, 100% volunteer organisations have been around for many years - providing relief to those in crisis and facing all sorts of challenges, promoting social change, and encouraging personal improvement. Each of these organisations rely on people to contribute to the cause solely to help other people.

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  14760 Hits

The Top 10 Most Read Articles in 2016

The Top 10 Most Read Articles in 2016

We had a look at our site stats in 2016 and found great articles that are examples of what makes a great magazine. In this issue, we are counting down the Top-10 Joomla! Community Magazine (JCM) 2016 articles that received the most views throughout the past year.

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  7185 Hits

Joomla April 2017 Round-Up

Joomla April 2017 Round-Up

It's April and the change of the season brings great news for the Joomla Community. In this article, we will highlight some points of interest for our readers. JaB'17 awardees have been announced, Joomla! 3.x series is coming to an end and Joomla! 3.7 Beta 4 has been released, bringing some great and cool new features.

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  5801 Hits

Blog Category (Part II) with Micro-Layout and Language Overrides

Blog Category (Part II) with Micro-Layout and Language Overrides

It is always a challenge to give a Blog category view a unique and attractive look.

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  8577 Hits

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