Joomla! in the Press/Media - July 2011

Joomla! in the Press/Media - July 2011

Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.

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  16913 Hits

Joomla! 1.7 Highlight - Batch Processing

Joomla! 1.7 Highlight - Batch Processing

Elin Waring recently blogged on the Joomla! Community Portal about some of the features coming with Joomla! 1.7, appropriately titled Peeking at 1.7. Aside from the separation of the framework and CMS, I think (and I may be a bit biased) one of the better changes is the ability to batch process items being added to the framework. A popular feature excluded from Joomla! 1.6, its return for 1.7 marks benefit for users and developers alike.

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  25556 Hits

Outsider's View of Joomla!

Outsider's View of Joomla!

On June 8th, 2011 I had the opportunity to offer up some Joomla! advice via Twitter to Lexi who had hash-tagged #joomla and was struggling with some functionality of articles (com_content) and Joomla!’s “readmore” function.

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  18120 Hits

Book Review: "Joomla! Explained" by Steve Burge

Book Review: "Joomla! Explained"  by Steve Burge

This month’s featured book is "Joomla! Explained — Your Step-by-Step Guide" by Steve Burge. The book is a great learning tool for newbies and an excellent everyday reference for Joomla! content publishers and managers. It’s equally valuable as a training resource for the website builders who want to use select chapters as standalone tutorials for their clients, and can serve as a sustainable hands-on knowledge management component for any organization that has deployed and is using Joomla! to establish and grow its web presence.

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  31141 Hits

Post your haikus for July

Post your haikus for July

Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.

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  14768 Hits

Joomla! 1.7 - Division or Fission?

Joomla! 1.7 - Division or Fission?

On July 19th, Joomla 1.7 will be released and this version is something special because of various reasons. Before I go into details, I want to mention a few user groups.

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  68382 Hits

Joomla! Day Malaysia

  6540 Hits

The Joomla! project wants you - July 2011

The Joomla! project wants you - July 2011

Volunteering to help with Joomla! is fun! Check here for listings of current volunteer openings throughout the Joomla! project that have been posted in the "Help wanted in the community” forum.

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  14270 Hits

Navigating the code development process (part 2 of 2)

Navigating the code development process (part 2 of 2)

While at JAB11 in May, I heard comments from more than a few developers that it could be difficult to get their code accepted into the Joomla! core. So I committed to publishing a JCM article to try and address those concerns. In the first article of this two part series, I gave an overview of how the existing development process works. In this month's article, Mark Dexter and Louis Landry from the Joomla! Production Leadership Team have responded to questions about the development process that were submitted by other developers in the community.

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  14698 Hits

Happy first birthday, Joomla! Community Magazine!

Happy first birthday, Joomla! Community Magazine!

This version of the Joomla! Community Magazine was launched on July 1st of 2010, and so the release of this issue officially marks your JCM's first birthday!

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  21659 Hits

A Summer of Joomla!

A Summer of Joomla!

Summer is here! and a lot is happening in the Joomla! World! Joomla! Events are taking place on almost every continent this summer, and that means there’s one close to you! Here’s a quick run down of some of the events that have already taken place this summer, and some events that you can still make it to, that you don’t want to miss!

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  26446 Hits

IE6 and IE7 can see ghosts or validate before your cross browser test

IE6 and IE7 can see ghosts or validate before your cross browser test

Yesterday I broke one of my rules when it comes to template development - I started to cross browser test before I validated.

I had my design looking perfect in Safari and Firefox and, without thinking, thought I would see what it looked like in Internet Explorer. As most of you have probably experienced waiting for the page to load in Internet Explorer 6 or 7 on a design for the first time can be a somewhat nerve wracking experience.

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  26687 Hits

Website Case Study: Shark Zone

Website Case Study: Shark Zone

If you were a qualified PADI Dive Master, a Scuba Diver and lived in Cape Town, South Africa, it could be a dream project to develop a website about Great White Shark tourism. But Dwight Barnard faced an almost greater challenge than sharks in one of the toughest and most popular market sectors around.

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  22447 Hits

JUG Highlight: Joomla! Cape Town

JUG Highlight: Joomla! Cape Town

Joomla! User Groups around the world allow thousands of Joomla! users to connect each month with local Joomla! users, and talk about everything from the Joomla! Community and the latest releases, to their own experiences and solutions with Joomla! This month we caught up with the members of the Joomla! User Group in Cape Town, South Africa and asked them about their user group, what they liked about it, and how it impacted them!

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  33020 Hits

Open Source Matters: June 2011 Report

Open Source Matters: June 2011 Report

The month of June was marked by some volunteer changes and code releases:

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  14319 Hits

Free Joomla! 1.6 Templates for Joomla! Community

Since the release of Joomla! 1.6, Joomla! providers have received a number of requests on Joomla! 1.6 Free Templates from Joomla! users. In this article, I would like to introduce some Joomla! 1.6 free templates on several themes from different Joomla! experts. By choosing templates based on certain themes, I hope to meet your first requests on building websites with Joomla!

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  90554 Hits

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