Joomla 3 є перехідною версіює перед LTS-версією 3.5, і тому вона дещо специфічна. Як не мене, вона переслідує дві мети: показати розробникам напрямок руху системи і випробувати на практиці нові підходи. Підходи ж ці настільки нові, що в самих вбудованих компонентах вони поки що не використуються. Тому дана стаття розділена на дві частини. В першій я розповім про практичні аспекти створення та адаптації розширень для нової версії. Друга — теоретична, в ній я розповім про нову концепцію MVC.
Since 2010 the VEL team has organised the Vulnerable Extensions List on behalf of the Joomla community hosted on the pages. The VEL team felt that now was the time to move the VEL project onto its own website.
Over the course of the last year and a half, the Joomla! CMS has made great strides to expand the environments it is supported in. Through those efforts, the project officially supports using the CMS on multiple web server technologies and database servers. Though the CMS functions relatively well in these environments, the project needs your help to improve that support.
Three men, two continents, one island and a common language. Through their hard work, today we welcome the first multilingual experience on Their story is Joomla at its very best...
Hi! And welcome to the final code portion of our development series. If you have followed this series from start to finish you have now walked through the code development for creating a native Joomla! 3.x series extension. It’s been a long process but hopefully one that you’ve found both rewarding and informative. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to share tips and tricks of Joomla extension development with you as we’ve gone through these past articles. In this final development article we are going to explore a few final concepts, perform a bit of clean up and discuss additional features which could be added in the future. I invite you now to get ready as we dig into the final article regarding Joomla 3.x component development.
It is the mantra of our times that we live in a connected world. People connect to each other socially; companies connect to their customers and suppliers to transact business as well as to their employees and shareholders; and groups of all sizes from loose collections of individuals with a common interest to multinational charities, connect with their members. This landscape of connection is nothing new and existed even before the internet, but the internet is the quintessential technology of connection and it has become an indispensable mode of communication between people whenever meeting face-to-face is not convenient.
This month we had the opportunity to sit down with Mark Dexter to talk about the exciting new launch of Joomla 3.1. We go into Mark's life, how he got started and what he's working on in 3.1.
Si vous êtes utilisateurs de Joomla! vous avez très certainement remarqué que la communauté Joomla! est très active et que de nombreux support s'offrent à vous : forum, magazine, plateforme de téléchargement d'extensions, documentations, annuaire... Tout ceci traduit une forte implication de la communauté sur l'entraide et le partage et correspond bien à la définition de Joomla! : Tous ensemble !
Pourtant dans un grand nombre de pays les communauté ne sont pas encore structurées et il est difficile pour les utilisateurs de se rencontrer et faire connaissance. C'est là qu'intervient la notion de Joomla! User Groups et si vous n'avez pas la chance d'avoir un des 202 JUG déjà enregistrés alors cet article est fait pour vous car il va vous donner les clés pour créer votre propre Joomla! User Groups ! ;)
By now you know that JandBeyond is an event you can't afford to miss if you are a Joomla afficionado, but what about those cute JAB websites? Read on to find out the creative process behind the most creative international Joomla conference…
This month I had the chance to meet with Victor Drover, the expert behind configuring the Joomla Community Magazine for multilingual, and installing Josetta. We find out a little more behind the scenes in this interview.
A cautionary tale of how the past caught up to Martin Raja and myself, and how we beat it senseless when it did.
CiviCRM handles non-profits and registration with membership. It's a kind of contact management plus. Civi ties in to an organization, and handles donations, households, etc. It's different from a CRM to run your business. Paul Delbar tells us what is new with CiviCRM, and why he finds this community inspiring and enriching.
Have you attempted to start a blog on your website with little to no success? Well you're not alone, many of the business owners and marketers I have talked to have the "Build it and they will come" mentality towards their blogs. The fact is that there is much more work to be done than simply writing the blog and posting it online. In today's JCM whiteboard we will take a look at what additional activities you can do to ensure you're maximizing your blog's ROI and successfully building it over time.
Amidst the tranquil backdrop of JoomlaDay Netherlands, the Joomla "Doktors" donned their white jackets and sat down to help folks with what was ailing them, be it code, a question or a quick session on fixing a problem with a site. At one point, we had ten people around the table, of which eight were women.
Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.
If you plan to attend all the Joomla! events over the next few months, your journey will take you from Europe to South America, and on to Africa.
Project News, that is what this article is tagged under. But it could easily been tagged under a lot more tags. Like ‘International’ and ‘ Work in Progress’ or how about ‘Dynamic’ or....
Regardless of the number of tags, it is a sure thing we participate all under one and the same Joomla flag!
In June I will be making a presentation in the biggest city of Brazil: São Paulo. I will introduce to people what Joomla is all about and I want them to know that "Joomla is People!". And for that, I'm reaching out to the community for help.
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