Performing a Basic SEO Audit of Your Website - Part One

Performing a Basic SEO Audit of Your Website - Part One

Every few months, it's a good practice to perform a search engine optimization (SEO) audit of your website. Even if your traffic and sales are doing well, there may be issues that you can uncover that will lead to more traffic and sales. And, if your website's search engine rankings have changed recently, doing an SEO audit is imperative. In this article, we'll do some searches at Google to begin an SEO audit.

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GDPR Overview: Decrypting the regulation in series

GDPR Overview: Decrypting the regulation in series

Over the last decades, the web has become significantly more social and made communication among companies and users much easier. At the same time, terms such as “privacy” were in many cases underestimated because of the abundance of public shared personal data. Users are dynamically contributing to the content production of the web, and they often get involved in a “game” where their personal data becomes the actual product. It is not unusual for a user to misunderstand that his personal data is information that could be publicly shared without any special protection.


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The February 2018 Issue

The February 2018 Issue

In some countries around the world, February is the month Valentine's Day is celebrated and love is in the air. And this love is represented this month with several great articles from the authors in the Joomla Community.

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JoomlaCamp New York City 2018: what and why

JoomlaCamp New York City 2018: what and why

Our first real official Joomla Day NYC was in 2008 in Google. In 2009, I coordinated the first JoomlaDayNYC in a 'paid space'. This event was in a small space that most of us called the 'chachkie' space. If you were there you will know what I mean! In the front entrance, you saw little trinkets, etc. At the same time, almost 200 people met and worked on Joomla. It was an exciting weekend for all involved. We met people from other countries, focused on Joomla, and had a ton of fun!

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A new visual language for Joomla 4

A new visual language for Joomla 4

The Joomla World Conference 2017 in Rome was a great moment to discuss the future of the project, which... surprise… will, for the most part, have a big "Joomla 4" stamp on it. In the context of the conference, I was invited to participate in the Marketing Sprint, kicking it off with a full day of meeting with the leaders and members responsible for the launch of the Joomla 4 marketing campaign. Together we brainstormed and discussed ideas, reviewed predictions and adjusted expectations to better fit realistic goals.


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Joomla 4 Interview Series: Allon Moritz, New Media Manager Team Leader

Joomla 4 Interview Series: Allon Moritz, New Media Manager Team Leader

The Joomla 4 Interview Series brings this month Allon Moritz, the New Media Manager Team Lead. We got to know a little about him and what to expect when managing media in the upcoming Joomla 4. 

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Joomlers invade Tampa for JoomlaDay Florida

Joomlers invade Tampa for JoomlaDay Florida

Tampa, Florida is well known for invasions, from snowbirds to pirates, Tampa has been a winter getaway and vacation spot for countless years. Over the past two years, Tampa has also become known as the largest JoomlaDay in North America. The combination of easy access from the Islands, South America, and Europe and a break from the winter cold for our friends in the North has made JoomlaDay Florida a premier Joomla event.

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