Leçons de bonnes pratiques de codage : ne vous répétez pas

Leçons de bonnes pratiques de codage : ne vous répétez pas

Je suis père. Cela sonne un peu comme une confession, mais ceux qui me connaissent savent que j’adore les enfants. Actuellement, j'en ai trois et j’espère bien en avoir d’autres dans un futur proche. Etre parent m’a énormément appris. J’ai notamment appris qu’il existe un étrange phénomène qui veut que mes enfants n’écoutent pas ce que je leur demande tant que je ne l’ai pas répété maintes et maintes fois. C’est intriguant car cela ne semble pas toujours être le cas. En effet, cela ne se produit que dans certains cas, et généralement lorsqu’ils doivent faire quelque chose qu’ils n’ont pas particulièrement envie de faire. C'est excessivement fatiguant et au bout d’un certain temps, cela devient véritablement pénible de toujours devoir me répéter.

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  8618 Hits

Facebook And Your Joomla! Website

Facebook And Your Joomla! Website

“I want my website to integrate with Facebook.” It might sound specific, but it’s not. Facebook is a huge website and Joomla is an ever evolving CMS so the ways the two can work together are varied and interesting. Being clear with what you want (and don’t want) will help you get the Facebook integration you want on your website.

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  31646 Hits

Review: Component Creator for Joomla!

Review: Component Creator for Joomla!

This is about a tool which has gained a lot of attention in the Joomla community over the last few months.

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  53424 Hits

Novità Joomla! 3.2 : "Extension Finder"

La più importante funzionalità rilasciata con la versione 3.2 di Joomla!, a mio avviso, è senza dubbio la cosidetta "Joomla Extension Finder aka Install from Web", permette di installare le estensioni presenti nel JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) in maniera semplice e rapida comodamente dal pannello di controllo.

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  12310 Hits

Google Summer of Code 2013 Summary

Google Summer of Code 2013 Summary

Season’s Greetings, Joomla Friends! This year has been very busy for everyone involved in Joomla development, so I’m really excited to be able to publish the results of the program. Before we get started, if you want to read about the students and the projects in detail, check out the profiles on the Developer Site.

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  13539 Hits

Le Menu Invisible

Le Menu Invisible

Avez-vous déjà voulu faire un lien à un texte dans un article et vouloir afficher avec lui vos modules préférés !? et vous n'y êtes pas arrivé ?

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  17883 Hits

Joomla!-Based New Year's Resolution Ideas

Joomla!-Based New Year's Resolution Ideas

Instead of the normal, common New Year's resolutions so many attempt to attain like shedding some pounds, eating better and curbing work-o-holic tendencies, I've come up with a few Joomla-based resolutions that are EASY to attain.

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  23996 Hits

Do You Know Who You Are?

Do You Know Who You Are?

A few years ago I had a very simple view of what I understood I did and who I was when it came to website creation. I described my business as Website Design and myself as a website designer.

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  26280 Hits

First Joomla! User Group Meeting in Poland

First Joomla! User Group Meeting in Poland

The first Joomla! User Group meeting in Poland, called JUG-Silesia, met on December 14. Forty people came to hear three interesting presentations, and a lot of awards were in store for the participants.

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  18067 Hits

Des idées de résolutions Joomla! pour la Nouvelle Année

Des idées de résolutions Joomla! pour la Nouvelle Année

Plutôt que les habituelles et sempiternelles résolutions du Nouvel An telles que : perdre quelques kilos, mieux me nourrir ou lutter contre mon addiction au travail, je vous propose pour cette année, quelques résolutions Joomla!, si SIMPLES à réaliser.

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  15268 Hits

Resoluções de Ano Novo inspiradas em Joomla

Resoluções de Ano Novo inspiradas em Joomla

Ao contrário daquelas resoluções de Ano Novo que muitos de nós fazemos mas não levamos adiante, como emagrecer alguns quilinhos, comer comida saudável e trabalhar um pouco menos, pensei em algumas resoluções inspiradas em Joomla que são FÁCEIS de cumprir.

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  10608 Hits

Using Joomla! as a Help Development Tool

Using Joomla! as a Help Development Tool

In my first article, I posed the idea that Joomla! could be the next "killer app" for professional writers. In this article, I compare Joomla to commercial help development tools and, hopefully, provide writers with a compelling case for switching to Joomla. I think Joomla offers the best path forward in the evolution of help development.

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  22478 Hits

Go that Extra Mile to Deliver Simplicity!

Go that Extra Mile to Deliver Simplicity!

It's easy to take custom content types for granted these days. After all, Joomla 3.2 has core advances that make many CCKs seem totally unnecessary. Despite these improvements, clients still value a tailored experience. From the site form to the final layout, a custom content type will give your clients a simplified publishing platform.

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  19752 Hits

Lessons in Good Coding Practices: Don't Repeat Yourself

Lessons in Good Coding Practices: Don't Repeat Yourself

I'm a parent. That tends to sound a bit like a confession. But most people who know me also know that I love kids. I have three children right now, and hope to add more in the near future. I've learned many things from being a parent. I learned there is a strange phenomenon with children where they cannot hear something they are told unless I tell them multiple times. It's interesting because it doesn't seem to be all the time, only certain times, and usually only those times when they need to do something they don't particularly want to do. And I really get tired of repeating myself. It gets quite annoying after a while.

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  30372 Hits

Looking to the Future

Looking to the Future

New Year’s Day is a time for reflection on the past, and for looking ahead to the coming year, thinking about where we have come from, and where we want to go.

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  19384 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - December 2013

Roundup from JUG Corner - December 2013

With 159 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at https://community.joomla.org/user-groups.html). 

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  15102 Hits

More About Joomla! Certification

More About Joomla! Certification

Working Progress on the Joomla Certifications: a project in which the presence of the members of the Joomla community who speak Spanish is very important; a project where there are more than a dozen countries and various continents; a project, in summary, that will be born from the fusion of experience so diverse and different, that it will mark a before and after in the quality of the certifications of a CMS.

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  26364 Hits

Explaining Joomla! for Non-Techies (Part II)

Explaining Joomla! for Non-Techies (Part II)

Let's continue with our series of articles on Joomla for non-technologists. In the previous article we saw what the “extensions” are, such as templates, components, modules or plugins for our CMS. In this article we are going to start by understanding what occurs when installing Joomla on a server, and afterwards go a little further into some of the concepts which many times the technicians consider to be clear...

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  26714 Hits

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