Celebrating Joomla Community Events

Celebrating Joomla Community Events

This edition of the Joomla Community Magazine is dedicated to the volunteers who help to organize the various Joomla events and community groups all over the world.

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Marketing Make It Happen - JandBeyond 2017

Marketing Make It Happen - JandBeyond 2017

One of the cool things at Joomla conferences like the Joomla & Beyond conference are the ‘Make it Happen’ sessions. These are a great way to get people at the conference involved in the contribution process. As we do every year, Joomla Marketing did its own Make it Happen. Here’s a quick look at the what happened !

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Know what to expect in Joomla 4 - Interview with George Wilson at JAB 2017

Know what to expect in Joomla 4 - Interview with George Wilson at JAB 2017

At the Joomla & Beyond Conference this year in Poland, the Marketing team was on a mission. With Joomla 3.7 already out and Joomla 4 just a few versions away, we had to get the inside scoop on what is happening with Joomla 4. And what better way to find this than catch hold of George Wilson - The release lead for Joomla ! 

So here is the full transcript of the interview. 

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JoomlaDay Australia 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay Australia 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay Australia 2017 was held in Sydney on 17 and 18 June 2017. This was our first JoomlaDay "Australia" (rather than Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, etc), and was organised via a joint committee comprising Joomlers from most states in Australia, in an effort to bring the Australian Joomla! User community a little closer together.

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Fantastic International Joomlafans’ Meeting in Cracow

Fantastic International Joomlafans’ Meeting in Cracow

It was my first J and Beyond! It was excellent!

Great international meeting of Joomla! enthusiasts was held on 2-4 June 2017 at Cracow, city once inhabited by the Dragon. This is why this conference was held under the motto: "Fight the Dragon", which was the allegory of "fight" on the Joomla! Project ;-)


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Fighting the Dragon

Fighting the Dragon

Long time ago the people of Krakow, Poland had to confront a dragon that was disturbing them. Today, we are faced with different kind of Dragons, in our work, community, family and friendship circles, sometimes we live with them and sometimes we fight them. When it becomes difficult for us to servive with them, we use every method and ways of getting them our of our lives, so that we may be productive again and enjoy life.

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