The September Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the September Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  2491 Hits

Joomla: the ideal web solution for local governments


In this case study, Olivier Guillard (Deputy Major, Saint-Léger-en-Yvelines) tells us how his town used Joomla to structure and create their municipal website. He shows us why Joomla is the perfect tool to build a user-friendly, accessible website that's perfect for a local government.

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  2753 Hits

Meet Joomla's brand new Advisory Board!


You probably knew Open Source Matters, the organization behind Joomla, has a Board representing all volunteers. We also have a group of experts who help Joomla grow and achieve its goals, by lending us their skills, advising us, guidance, and knowledge. These wonderful people form our Advisory Board, and a brand new one has just started their term. Let’s find out who these people are and where they come from, what skills they bring to Joomla, how they can help Joomla forward and what ideas they have for Joomla’s future!

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  2363 Hits

What is it like to be a Joomla release manager? Why not become one and find out!


The point of this intro is to stop you from running scared. If you think this is way out of your reach, then think again. Seriously, we have had many release managers over the last few years, and several have NOT been coders. The job has changed for good reasons, and the outcome has been better: more stable releases with a growing support network of past managers who can help with the process.
Read on, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

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  1215 Hits

Rich Snippets in Joomla 5


Hey there, Joomla enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered how to enhance your website's search engine visibility and provide a more informative experience for your users? Well, you're in for a treat! In this article, we're diving into the exciting world of Rich Snippets, a fantastic feature in Joomla 5 that will revolutionize the way you handle structured data.

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  3179 Hits

Leadership Interviews: Philip Walton, Vice President


The future of Joomla looks bright and sunny, if you ask our new Vice President, Philip Walton. In his capacity as Marketing / Outreach Department Coordinator, he put lots of effort into making Joomla grow. He is and has been working on making our community more welcoming and safer for everyone. What else does he want to achieve in his new role as VP? Read this interview and you know!

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  3430 Hits

Guided Tours, the Comeback Tour


One of the main features of Joomla 4.3 was Guided Tours. When you install or update to Joomla 4.3 and log into the administrator area, you are greeted with the ability to “Take a Tour” in the top menu. This has helped many to learn how to use Joomla and understand the functionality of Joomla, but now Guided Tours has had a makeover. Here, we take a deep dive into all that Guided Tours in Joomla 5 has to offer.

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  2830 Hits

Joomla SEO title tags: everything you must know (and more)


When browsing through a bookstore window, it is often the title that persuades you to choose one book over another. It's the same thing when you look at the results of the Google search results pages. You click on the most relevant result to your search, and you ignore the poorly written or unclear titles.

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  866 Hits

Showtime! Joomlers show sites they’re proud of


After our special showcase article for Joomla’s 18th birthday last month, we got messages from more Joomla-enthusiasts willing to show their work in the Joomla Community Magazine. Check out these websites, all built with love, passion, craftsmanship and Joomla! 

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  463 Hits

PBF 2023: Celebrating Collaboration, Innovation, and Community


After a three-year hiatus, the Pizza, Bugs, and Fun (PBF) event, the epitome of community collaboration and bug squashing made a welcome comeback, embodying the vibrant spirit of the Joomla community. 

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  373 Hits

In cyberspace where dangers creep


In cyberspace where dangers creep,
Your secrets kept are not that deep,
Beware the hackers, lurking near,
They'll steal your data, and cause you fear.

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  412 Hits

How I came to work with Joomla - Mayank Sahu


Usually, the people who volunteer to answer our questions are heavily involved in either the Joomla community or the Joomla project, or sometimes both. Mayank Sahu has just joined the community, but he's no newcomer to Joomla. He has years of development experience behind him, particularly on Joomla, and he explains his choice of profession to us.
He's keen to get involved if time permits, so let's welcome him and listen to his story.

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  397 Hits

Meet a Joomla User Group: Arnhem - Nijmegen


The Joomla User Group Arnhem - Nijmegen is close to my heart as I have been the organizer in the past. This Dutch JUG is located in the eastern-middle part of the Netherlands and has started quite a long time ago. Read more about this JUG in this interview.

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  356 Hits

3 key open source challenges in developing countries


Open source faces many struggles in developing countries that make how it's perceived and its associations inaccurate and out of touch.

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  375 Hits

Explore the Core: Energize Your Joomla 4 Website with the Banner Manager


Are you looking for a way to breathe new life into your website? Look no further! This article delves into the workings of Joomla 4's Banner Manager component. Maybe you haven’t used this component yet, or underestimated its potential until now; we're here to show you how to transform your Joomla site into a captivating showcase. Fasten your seatbelts, as you're about to unlock the full potential that awaits you!

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  632 Hits

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