It is known that the text editor in Joomla allows special configurations needed to incorporate content in the code. There are times when I do not want to change these settings to keep some order on our website for the authors, but nevertheless we would like to add modules with PHP or XHTML code, as in the case of widgets. The subject of this article, by way of tutorial, is to explain how to enter Javascript, PHP, HTML or CSS code in modules without relying on the editor you have installed (JCE, TinyMCE, FCK, etc..). As an example, I will illustrate how to add a Twitter widget to your website.
Every so often I have some tweets in my timeline where I can watch people from Joomla! talking really bad about Wordpress. Or Drupal. Or another CMS. And most of the times, people do this because they see all the opensource CMS as opponents on something that they call "the CMS market". Now, take a seat, because here comes a shocking truth: neither Drupal nor Wordpress nor any other opensource CMS is an opponent for Joomla.
До того, как я начал работать над текущим проектом, я не думал, что мне когда либо придется использовать инструменты для автоматической сборки проектов. Ведь работаю я исключительно с интерпретируемыми языками, которым не нужна компиляция. Однако, как оказалось, они могут быть полезными и при разработке на PHP, и особенно при работе с Joomla!
Adding an Instagram feed to a Joomla site is easier than you probably think, and has the potential to really amplify a site's appeal. Here's why feeds can be a great addition, and step-by-step instructions for adding one.
During the last years I got more and more involved in the organisation of two large Joomla! events that are hosted by the German Joomla! Association. Those two events, the Joomla!Day Germany and the international Joomla! conference J&Beyond are held once a year and attended by 200-250 people from all around globe, so it seems to be reasonable to call them "quite big". Since this year, I'm basically "in charge" of all things related to the technical realisation and with this post I want to give you a look behind the scenes, share some lessons that I had to learn, and tell you some best practices that developed over the past few years.
Dans un projet internet, le choix de la plateforme qui va supporter le site web est très importante. Les chefs de projets se demandent souvent quel CMS utiliser, parfois ils s'arrêtent sur Joomla parce qu'ils en ont entendu (ou lu) du bien. La question vient inéluctablement : Pourquoi utiliser joomla plutôt que wordpress ou drupal ? Les trois CMS ont leurs particularité, et aucun n'est supérieur à l'autre (je dirais qu'ils sont tous complémentaire).
Alors, pourquoi donc choisir Joomla ???
(L'article qui va suivre, n'est nullement un comparatif entre trois CMS.)
The current Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) features a system that has worked very well up to this point, but it has simply outgrown itself. There is a demand for new features and functionality, and the JED Team is seeking proposals from developers interested in creating a new 3.x listing management extension for a shiny, new Joomla Extensions Directory.
Als Mitglied der Joomla! Gemeinschaft frage ich mich manchmal wie das war vor 6-7 Jahren, als ich angefangen habe mit Joomla! ... Es gab damals weder Facebook noch Twitter, so wie war das noch gleich mit Hilfe und Support? Heute stellt sich für mich die Frage ein bisschen anders: Wissen die heutigen Newbies (sorry) überhaupt noch, wie man den Joomla! Extension Directory (=JED) gezielt durchsuchen kann.
Suchen? JED? neuer Brotaufstich, Wat...?
Mit mehr als 164 User Gruppen weltweit gibt es immer etwas Neues oder Aufregendes aus der Joomla! Gemeinschaft zu berichten und ich hoffe, dass ich es schaffe, hier monatlich eine Zusammenfassung zu posten über Gruppen, Events und Berichten zu JUG Treffen. Wenn du Infos zu deiner Gruppe hast, die hier erwähnt werden sollen, schreib bitte eine Mail an
A couple of months ago I wrote an article about my Google Summer of Code project, which aimed to add microdata semantics in the Joomla CMS. Now lets take a closer look at the status of this project to see what has been done.
Google Summer of Code has come to an end and it was an interesting experience for me at Joomla! My project was about implementing cloud storage support for Amazon Simple Storage Service, Rackspace and Google Cloud Storage.
Joomla! Ignite is coming to the Joomla! World Conference stage in November! Here is your opportunity to inspire, educate, enlighten and entertain your colleagues!
With 163 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community - and I hope to produce a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please email me at
Sticking to a deadline can be a challenge in an Open Source project like Joomla! that is run entirely by volunteers. On the magazine, the first of the month is a deadline we cannot miss, and haven't in over three years. We launch on weekends, weekdays, birthdays, vacation days, even New Year's Day! But in order to keep bringing you all the Joomla news that's fit to print, we are dusting off and adding definition to our submission guide…
The Joomla! World Conference is holding a fan art contest with our sponsor,, giving community members the opportunity to get creative with the Joomla! logo.
With Joomla’s 8th anniversary there was lots to celebrate. Quite some milestones have been achieved. But instead of taking the time to celebrate there is lots of work yet to be done in order to achieve our next milestones!
The Joomla! World Conference is coming up soon! It will be held on November 8-10, 2013 at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). If you have never attended a Joomla event before, this is the event to attend. If you are a regular at Joomla events, this is the one you don't want to miss! Learn more:
To SEO or not to SEO, that is the question! There is a wide variety of views on the topic, whether it is necessary to use specific extensions that improve SEO positioning, if it is a good idea to employ people to help with this and to create strategies etc….or, whether that doing all of this won’t pay off as you are forced to change strategy each time Google makes changes to their SEO policy...
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