JUG Round Up June 2017

JUG Round Up June 2017

Welcome to the JUG Round Up!

The JUG Team is thrilled to have added the Rules and FAQs and Terms of Service for Joomla! User Groups into Joomla! Documentation. Eric Lamy has translated them into French and Bruce Valle has translated them into Spanish (THANK YOU ERIC & BRUCE!). The goal of the JUG Team is to have these translated into as many languages as possible to help new Joomla! User Groups that are forming understand the rules and what needs to be done. This will save time in processing and approvals. If you can help translate the two documents, please just go to docs.joomla.org and register and start translating. If you have questions, let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Joomla Leadership at the 2017 Community Leadership Summit

Joomla Leadership at the 2017 Community Leadership Summit

The 2017 Community Leadership Summit held in Austin, Texas was both inspiring for and inspired by Joomla's new Leadership Team. Joomla is not alone when it comes to challenges of a community of contributors, but as the largest all-volunteer-managed project; fortunately, we are getting many things right. Four of Joomla's leaders both learned and shared new tricks at CLS17.

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New Datepicker for Joomla! 3.7

New Datepicker for Joomla! 3.7

Since its debut, Joomla! provides a date input field including a selector. It allows you to navigate easily in a calendar month by month and simply click on the desired date to get an entry in the right format. It's handy!


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FeedBack from Administrator Certification Joomla! of the JoomlaDay of Marseille

FeedBack from Administrator Certification Joomla! of the JoomlaDay of Marseille

During the JoomlaDay Marseille on 12 and 13 May 2017, 11 participants tried to obtain their Joomla 3.x Administrator certification. The participants were all french-speaking people.

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Joomla! Has a Faire-ly Good Outing

Joomla! Has a Faire-ly Good Outing

Getting the word out by visiting with some younger potential users at the Manatee Technical College’s DaVinci’s Faire


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Join The Joomla Magazine Team

Join The Joomla Magazine Team

The Joomla Magazine Team is looking for contributors who can help manage the magazine in different areas. We'd love to have you on board!


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