Everything started a few months ago when I posted this question on my Facebook profile page. It was amazing how many people answered my post. But, really, what do Italy and Mexico have in common? Reading this article, you will realize that they share much more than just the colours of their flags!
Никогда не играйтесь в "Русскую рулетку" с безопасностью своего построенного на Joomla CMS веб-сайта и никогда, я имею в виду никогда, никогда, никогда не используйте обычные слова для пароля его супер администратора! Всегда помните, что интернет полон роботов, которые настроенны злостными людьми на сканирование и отгадывание паролей супер администраторов, чаще всего систем Joomla и WordPress, и они могут проделать такую злостную операцию на Вашем веб-сайте быстрее, чем Вы успеете произнести "Брайан Тиимэн" или "Ник Робертсон". Всегда создавайте сложные и длинные пароли!
Recently I was at the 2014 JoomlaDay Sydney. It was a fantastic day and great to see so many familiar faces. A wonderful group of speakers, great location, food, atmosphere and Joomla! What an amazing, powerful, mighty application and it is all for FREE! The Joomla CMS, it can do so much and has so many amazing features: ACL, content versioning, over 65 languages supported, downloaded 10s of millions of times, runs about 3% of the Internet and growing. This all appears to be very positive, however, I am sorry to say this, but this is also a sign of what we are doing wrong!
This issue is a big one! We have lots of articles and, very happily, lots of photos. The one thing we always do each month is try to find a relevant image to go with articles that were submitted without one... not so easy when you are searching for something interesting to go with an article full of code.
Before we welcome 2015, consider attending one of the last few Joomla! Events in 2014. Joomla! User Group (JUG) meetings and JoomlaDays are intended for everyone from casual users to core developers. Visit the Joomla! Events site to browse all events, submit an event or learn how to organize an event.
I was recently working on a project where I needed to add customer testimonials. I wanted to output them using the schema.org/Reviews format. As I searched for solutions, everything I was finding was more than I needed. My goal was to keep it simple for my client to use, but still be able to output the right format. The easiest approach for my client was to add fields to the Articles (com_content) extension within Joomla. Of course I didn’t want to actually modify the com_content code or the #__content table in Joomla. Otherwise that would lead to maintenance and upgrade headaches down the road. So, plugins to the rescue!
Je vous en prie, ne jouez pas avec la sécurité de votre site Joomla!. N'utilisez sous aucun prétexte de terme du dictionnaire pour les mots de passe de Super Administrateur d'un site Joomla! et n'oubliez jamais qu'internet foisonne de robots malveillants, souvent mis en place par des personnes mal intentionnées dans le but de numériser et collecter les mots de passe d'administration des sites Joomla! et Wordpress et cela en moins de temps qu'il n'en faut pour dire "Brian Teeman" ou "Nick Robertson".
I set out to the Joomla! World Conference seeking inspiration and to learn how to create better websites. Little did I know it would also turn into a great vacation with a visit to a Mayan archeological site, morning yoga sessions on the beach, enjoying varied dance performances, great food and perfect weather. Remember, there were four simultaneous presentation tracks running concurrently in English, and one in Spanish. What follows includes brief descriptions of what I took away from the sessions I chose.
À part ceux qui seraient partis en vacances dans le désert profond ou qui n'auraient pas lu les Réseaux Sociaux durant ce mois de novembre, je pense que toute la communauté Joomla! a suivi un des événements majeurs de l'année, la Joomla World Conference qui se produisait à Cancún au Mexique du 7 au 9 novembre dernier. Et pour ceux qui n'auraient pas eu la chance ni d'y aller ni de suivre l'événement, permettez-moi de vous donner mon regard de primoadhérent. ;)
Hace unos días estuve desarrollando unas páginas como blog y me puse a buscar información de cómo usar las imágenes de introducción que todavía no conocía bien. Estuve sacando cosas de distintos tutoriales (en inglés) y pensé que a lo mejor sería un buen tema para un artículo en español.
Если веб-сайт Вашего клиента обслуживается более чем одним человеком, то Вам следует подумать над предоставлением ACL [cписка контроля доступа], основанного на ролях. Что такое основанный на ролях ACL [список контроля доступа] и почему Вам следует использовать его, вместо подхода к ACL [cпискe контроля доступа, примененного в Joomla] 1.5?
Роль представляет собой права и доступ, необходимые для выполнения какой-либо задачи. Как только роли были назначены, владелец веб-сайта может интуитивно назначать, собирать вместе, перемещать и разделять эти роли между пользователями системы. Ниже следует простой подход к применению ролей в Joomla.
The last four years has seen quite a lot of excitement in the Joomlasphere as the community continues to grow and the software continues to be driven by innovative ideas. As with everything in a quickly evolving software marketplace, platforms come and go and Joomla! 2.5 is no different. Today we reflect back on its nearly four year life span and the framework it laid for Joomla to grow.
A few weeks ago I took over as team lead for the Joomla! Bug Squad (JBS). There hasn’t been much news about this change until now. First and foremost I want to thank Nick Savov for leading the JBS the last couple of years. A big round of applause please. The last couple of weeks I needed to gather my thoughts and draw up some rough guidelines as to what I see in the future of the JBS. These guidelines have now been written down in what I have dubbed the JBS manifesto. The goal is to help me stay focused on guiding the JBS.
Delivering transactional emails is considered one of the most recursive and important tasks for a website owner. If your transactional emails fail to reach recipients’ inbox, it will be difficult for you to have the benefits of an automated email transaction. An automated email transaction is heavily dependent on a reliable SMTP server. However, using an ordinary email service provider such as Yahoo Mail, Gmail and Hotmail has its restrictions. This is because they allow only a certain number of emails to be sent by a particular user per day. You might be thinking what is a smart solution for transactional email delivery and how to configure it?
It all started with this email: Congratulations! we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in the Joomla Event Travel Program (JET) and attend the Joomla World Conference (JWC14) in Cancun from November 7 to 9, 2014! Needless to say, my joy was great because I was going to meet people with whom I am friends and share on forums, chats, hangouts etc... I would also get to see people I met at the last conference in Boston, Massachusetts JWC 2013. In short, I could not hide my joy to have been selected to go to Mexico to meet people just as passionate as I am about Joomla.
Some of the readers out there may know that I have been audio podcasting about Joomla for almost two years now.January 2015 will actually be the two year birthday of the Joomla Beat Podcast, one of the many passions in the Joomla Community that I have been carrying on almost every week. I was proud to hear also that I had inspired someone in the Spanish speaking community to start their own Joomla podcast in Spanish! Something I’m very excited to hear more about and see grow over the next few months.
Ah migration. Many look at it as a chore and it may be. Migration is really an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to reassess goals, clean up messes, increase functionality, security, and efficiency. But many have struggles. The Update Working Group has been established to make the process of migration clearer and easier to find. The group hopes to reach those who haven’t yet migrated and need to.
Today the first "Christmas Market" in my hometown opened its doors – and each and every year that's the time when I realize, that another year is almost over. 2014 was a very successful year for Joomla – and I want to show you what the CMS-Garden has contributed to this success.
You may have heard that Latinos like to party. And we recently had the chance to prove it during Joomla! World Conference Cancun 2014. As a Latin American I felt very proud knowing that a worldwide Joomla! event was about to be hosted in our region, and well… let’s just say us Latinos did our best to enjoy it.
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