Téléchargez Gratuitement Joomla! 2.5 - Le Guide Pour Débutant

Téléchargez Gratuitement Joomla! 2.5 - Le Guide Pour Débutant

« Jumla » est le mot Swahili pour « tous ensemble » et a été la source d'inspiration du nom de Joomla!. Le projet Joomla! est l'un des plus grands systèmes de gestion de contenu au monde, soutenu par une communauté internationale. Joomla! 2.5 est le successeur de Joomla! 1.5. Il s'agit d'une version à long terme et représente la référence pour la communauté Joomla! de Janvier 2012 à Juillet 2013. Il vous permet de créer des sites Web uniques dans votre propre langue.

Même si vous n'êtes pas un spécialiste :-)

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  52294 Hits

The Joomla! Setup

The Joomla! Setup

The Joomla! Setup is a series of interviews with developers in the Joomla! community, talking about the tools they use to get the job done, inspired by the setup. Can you tell who it is?

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  32419 Hits

Convincing the Skeptics about Open Source and CMS

Since the dawn of Joomla! around 2005, there has long been a stigma that open source and freely available content managment systems are a ‘poor man’s’ web design tool.

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  28564 Hits

Joomla! in the Press/Media - April 2011

Joomla! in the Press/Media - April 2011

Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.

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  23210 Hits

How to become a css detective with CSS Edit

How to become a css detective with CSS Edit

Being given the challenge of styling or restyling a Joomla! site can quickly mean that the erstwhile designer has to don a virtual trenchcoat and fedora to miraculously transform into a code detective. One of the most confusing things for new Joomla! users when it comes to changing a design element on a Joomla! website is trying to figure out where the code for any given style is coming from, and then of course it's another thing to then go and change the style.

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  42945 Hits

For Rocker Samantha Farrell, Joomla! Rocks

For Rocker Samantha Farrell, Joomla! Rocks

NBC Los Angeles called Samantha Farrell "the best singer-songwriter you still haven't heard of," and that had to change. Her solution? A Joomla! website to integrate her music sales, performance schedule, multimedia and blog, made entirely with open source software from the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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  45165 Hits

Rapid Development Techniques – Templates Within Templates!

Have you ever been frustrated with Joomla!’s linear approach to templates? I’ve developed several web applications in Joomla! where it would have been useful to be able to include a template inside of another template – an internal menu system, a special footer for specific components, etc – and in the past I’ve gotten around this limitation with good old fashioned PHP include statements. While this method works we can have much prettier and more maintainable code by extending Joomla!’s JView class to support this functionality.

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  41035 Hits

The J!OSCAR awards - recognizing excellence in the Joomla! community

The J!OSCAR awards - recognizing excellence in the Joomla! community

The Joomla! project has won numerous awards such as Best Linux/Open Source Project, Best CMS and more recently being inducted into the CMS Hall of Fame. In contrast, the people who build, develop for, implement and write about Joomla lack an awards ceremony to recognize their contributions and efforts. To fill this gap, the Joomla! Open Source Creative and Artistic Recognition awards were created in 2010 at the J! and Beyond conference in Wiesbaden, Germany. The singular power of the J!OSCARs lies in the fact that it is a peer-based initiative: anyone in the community can submit a site, project/extension or person for an award.

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  43130 Hits

Post your Haikus for April

Post your Haikus for April

Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.

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  29578 Hits

Documenting Documentation

Documenting Documentation

Creating software that works is hard work, it takes time, expertise, and experience. After all that hard work the last thing a developer wants to do is spend time answering “silly” questions asked by the users using that software. The best way to fend off most basic questions is to tell users how to use the software – to provide documentation!

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  25022 Hits

Open Source Matters: March 2011 Report

Open Source Matters: March 2011 Report

March saw more collaboration, and more community involvement. Stay tuned in April when a call will go out for community nominations to OSM board and appointee positions!

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  20103 Hits

The Source April 2011

Welcome to the source update for April 2011. This is a new column to give you information about what's happening with Joomla! source code.

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  33848 Hits

Jane Beyond & friends

Jane Beyond & friends

Illustration by:  YeprJane Beyond

  21393 Hits

"Joomla! 24-Hour Trainer" - the new A to Z book for novices

"Joomla! 24-Hour Trainer" - the new A to Z book for novices

A new Joomla! book, Joomla! 24-Hour Trainer, is coming out next month. Its author is Jen Kramer, faculty member and program director of the Master’s of Science in Information Technology program at Vermont’s Marlboro College Graduate School. A long-time instructor, Jen teaches courses in conceptual web design, web applications, and internet marketing, and is also the co-owner of www.4webinc.com, a web development company that specializes in building highly customized Joomla! websites. Joomla! 24-Hour Trainer is Jen’s second book, coming a little more than a year after her first one, Joomla! Start to Finish: How to Plan, Execute, and Maintain Your Web Site.

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  44263 Hits

Get Open

Get Open

Perspective is a strange thing, probably best experienced less metaphorically, when drawing still life. The slightest head movement can change how an object looks - it's the same object in the same position, only our perception changes.

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  21808 Hits

Multi-Language Websites with Joomla! 1.6 core

Multi-Language Websites with Joomla! 1.6 core

Approximately 3000-6000 languages are spoken by humans for thousands of years. The picture shows Cuneiform, the earliest form of written expression. When I see this picture it is not that far away from the design of a website, even the ‘design’ is 5000 years old. The spoken language died out around the 18th century BC, but still today Cuneiform exists in Unicode ( U+12000–U+1236E (879 characters)  ). That means it would be possible to create a Joomla! website in Cuneiform.

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  85862 Hits

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