The brains behind the Joomla! GSoC projects

The brains behind the Joomla! GSoC projects

We have been sharing monthly with JCM readers the step by step of the exciting Google Summer of Code journey. Now that you already know about the developed projects and students feedback, it is time to listen to a very important group: our mentors - the brains behind the projects. 

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Joomla! at the Free Software International Forum - FISL17

Joomla! at the Free Software International Forum - FISL17

For one more year, Joomla! Brasil community was in the 17º Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL17) - Free Software International Forum - promoted in the city of Porto Alegre, south of Brazil, from July 13th to 16th.

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Progress of the Joomla! Projects in GSoC 2016

Progress of the Joomla! Projects in GSoC 2016

Six students, six projects, a lot of codes. Google Summer of Code 2016 has crossed its midterm line. Our students running Joomla! projects are working hard with the support of their mentors and admins*. Will they finish in time? Will their projects bring good results for the Joomla! Project and for the Joomla! users?

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Joomla! for the rebels

Joomla! for the rebels

Yes, I have a rebellious soul. I'm almost a Brazilian Katniss Everdeen. And this is the reason why the Joomla! Project attracted me. First of all, because Joomla! - as an open source project - brings the values of collaboration and user empowerment that are very pleasing to me.

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Introducing GSoC 2016 Team

Introducing GSoC 2016 Team

We are proud to introduce to Joomla! Community the team of students selected to join us for the Google Summer of Code 2016. They show all our J!Diversity. Considering students and mentors, we have men and women from all continents in the world coding with us over next summer. 

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The Google Summer of Code Has Begun and Joomla is In!

The Google Summer of Code Has Begun and Joomla is In!

University students from many parts of the world will spend the summer break ("winter break" in some countries) writing code and learning about open source development. Joomla! is one of the selected mentoring organizations in Google Summer of Code 2016 (GSoC 2016). Does it mean that students will be coding to make Joomla! even better? Yes! And we invite you all to join us in the GSoC 2016 journey.

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J!Awards Brasil 2014/2015

J!Awards Brasil 2014/2015

O primeiro J!Awards Brasil premiou os usuários de Joomla! destaque no País nos anos de 2014 e 2015. A premiação ocorreu em 05 de setembro, no final do JoomlaDay Brasil 2015.

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Encontro Nacional de JUGs Brasileiras 2015

Encontro Nacional de JUGs Brasileiras 2015

No dia 6 de setembro de 2015, representantes das JUGs brasileiras (Joomla User Groups) e seus convidados encontraram-se no Hotel Comfort Inn Taguatinga (Brasília/DF) para discutir os rumos da comunidade brasileira. Estavam presentes representantes das JUGs Calango, Paraná, Rio, São Paulo, Tchê e Tocantins e os líderes internacionais Javier Gomez, Jorge López-Bachiller e Roland Dalmulder.

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JoomlaDay Brasil 2015: o maior da história

JoomlaDay Brasil 2015: o maior da história

A comunidade Joomla! do Brasil, usuários e interessados no CMS e em software livre em geral encontraram-se em setembro na capital brasileira, Brasília, para celebrar os 10 anos de Joomla! O evento contou com a presença de participantes de 12 estados brasileiros mais convidados internacionais vindos da Argentina, Espanha, Guatemala, Grécia, Holanda e Índia. Foram mais de 500 participantes em quatro dias intensos que tiveram encontros voltados ao Governo (J!Gov), capacitação nos turnos da manhã, tarde e noite e mais um Encontro Nacional das JUGs brasileiras. 

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JoomlaDay Brasil 2015: The Biggest in History

JoomlaDay Brasil 2015: The Biggest in History

The Joomla! Community in Brazil, Joomla! users and people interested in Open Source Software got together in September in Brazil's Capital Brasília to celebrate the Joomla! 10th anniversary and learn more about the CMS. Attendees came from 12 different Brazilian states and we had international guests from Argentina, Guatemala, Greece, India, Netherlands and Spain. More than 500 people were involved in 18 lectures and 7 workshops that happened from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - besides meetings with Brazilian government departments and a national meeting of Joomla User Groups (JUGs). 

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