Joomla! at the Free Software International Forum - FISL17
For one more year, Joomla! Brasil community was in the 17º Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL17) - Free Software International Forum - promoted in the city of Porto Alegre, south of Brazil, from July 13th to 16th.
If you have never been to FISL, check some numbers of the FISL17 to understand the event's reach:
- 3.987 attendees
- 21 countries
- 519 hours of activities
- 90 thousand visualizations of the lectures by streaming during the event
You can check the Joomla! Community experience in the past FISL16 in 2015: Joomla! arrasa em grandes eventos de software livre no Brasil – FISL16 e Campus Party Recife
FISL17 Opening Ceremony
Joomla! Community was invited to represent all the free software communities in the event opening ceremony among: the Coordinator of FISL, the Suse Brazil representing the partner companies, the rectory of the university where the event occurred, one director of the Ministry of Labour and the mayor of Porto Alegre.
Member of Joomla! Brasil representing all the free software
communities in the event
User Group
Joomla Brazil had a spot in the area of communities where we shared knowledge with other joomlers, people interested in the CMS and other communities. We had joomlers from almost all the regions of the Country in the UG: Distrito Federal, Goiás, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sul.
User Group Joomla! Brasil
Lectures in the main rooms
Joomla and Moodle: a success partnership
Roberto Oliveira
Check the video (Portuguese)
Introducing Joomla! and showing why it was chosen as the official tool to develop the Government of Goiás State portals
Pedro Renan (with members of the Joomla! community)
Check the video (Portuguese)
Lecture where the CMS Joomla! was mentioned as a case of study
#BB: Powering business with free softwares
Ana Barcellos e Doralvino Sena
Lectures in the community stage
How to build a successfull website
Julyane Miranda
Work developing free software in a Google project and earn more than R$ 10.000,00
(Joomla experience in the GSoC16)
Ana Barcellos
Social Inclusion
Members of the community Joomla! Brasil promoted one activity for the kids and teens at social risk of FISLINHO (is the kids place at the event.) with the BB Team (Banco do Brasil).
We told them a story about a boy who has dedicated care and attention to his little pig and ended up rich. The book aims to awake in readers, children from 4 to 10 years old, the importance of saving money and planning the future (Financial Education).
After that members of the Joomla! Brasil community built a website with them. Despite they had just 15 minutes for that, the attendees created together an article about their project.
It is very easy to build a website. - said one of the kids
You can know more about the Boca de Rua Project - a newspaper created, sold and managed by homeless people of Porto Alegre - in their website.
Community Meetings
We had two official meetings in FISL17 to talk about some Joomla! Brasil projects - always opened to new volunteers. :)
Hackerfeminism and Technological Empowerment
The (mulheres = women) participated sharing ideas in the "conversation circle" about hackerfeminism and technological empowerment. It was a very rich experience!
Part of the streaming: - 11:52
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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