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An insight into a Joomler: Robin Clapp


If you spend some time around the web, social media and Joomla, you will most likely at some point hunt around a couple of Facebook Groups in/around the topic of Joomla! and if you do, inevitably (or at least for your sake I hope so) you will come across a group called: Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla! or possibly a mention of the Small Business JUG (more on that later)... that is how I came across the kind, humble and always seen smiling Joomler that is Robin Clapp.

What inspired you to get involved with Joomla?  

I'm an engineer by training and I worked for a big company (General Dynamics) for 13 years doing circuit card design; hardware, software and firmware. When I had my boys it wasn't going to be ideal for me continuing there, so I looked for another way of using my skills. I thought website design is something I could do from home while raising my boys. I answered some ads and there was a small company right in town whose owner said: "if you can learn Joomla, I've got a lot of work for you.” He was the only developer and he needed another. The firm had graphics design staff and I would be tasked to build their approved designs in Joomla. From the very beginning, I did custom designs. This was around 2006, and Joomla 1.0. In 2007, I went out on my own, connected with the local Chamber of Commerce, and joined a BNI group, and started taking on my own clients. I retained this approach of using the Joomla platform and partnering with graphics designers.

What has stayed the most consistent and changed the most for you in the last almost 20 years of using Joomla?

Consistently: I've been able to do everything I wanted to do - I love that about the open source model and Joomla! I love the core, I love being able to do everything I need to do almost entirely in Joomla with just a handful of extensions; the ones I use every single time. Another thing that has been consistent is the community, how easy it is to reach out and find answers.

Change: What has changed over the years is the Joomla software platform itself. I love where we are today in Joomla 5 and while it can be a little painful to get all my clients over to the latest version; the latest platform is so amazing. It had its weaknesses back in v1.0 and v1.5 and I remember it wasn't always easy. However, this community of developers are committed to change for a better and more powerful Joomla and that is why I only design websites in Joomla.

What have you used Joomla for over the years?

I tend to focus on small business clients, the kind that you would typically find in a Chamber of Commerce or BNI network. I often work on 5 to 10 jobs at a time. However, some projects, are more involved and I’ve been fortunate enough to partner with other Joomla folks to get certain aspects accomplished. Adam Melcher and I have partnered on some really cool projects and I have received help time and again from Olivier Buisard when needed. It's great to connect with other members of the community which I do all the time through Mattermost and my JUG Facebook page. I know it works, because I see others being helped there everyday. I just love waking up everyday and doing my job, designing websites is a fun job and the Joomla community is not only talented but also super friendly and willing to aid and inspire others.

What advice would you have for someone coming into or wanting to learn more about Joomla today? 

Oh, community! Join a JUG for sure. You can't do this alone. I've been working out of my home for almost two decades. We all need community, without getting out and doing the networking, I would not be as successful or has happy with my work. I was in my fourth year of business when I attended the Joomla World Conference in Boston. I couldn't believe the outpouring of talented friendly people, of every skill level, wanting to meet me and share knowledge and follow up with me - that part is tremendous. Many days, I am only as good as my personal skill level, but made so much better by my community. That’s why I volunteer, I believe in community. So, if someone is just starting out, don't muscle through - I mean I'm self taught and I understand that concept and I love that but when you get to a certain point: reach out because so many people are willing to help you.

What are your favorite frameworks, extensions, etc in your building process?

I don't use any Page Builders, I build my own templates. That's how I learned to use Joomla and have continued to do so for 19 years. My graphic designers are amazing and provide me with beautiful layouts to build in Joomla. It is a very customized approach. I’m very consistent in the way I frame and style sites.

As for extensions I always use AdminTools, Akeeba Backup, Convert Forms, Advanced Custom Fields, (I love using custom field, core and sometimes I need a few advanced custom fields). I love love love Latest News Advanced. Olivier’s LNE has got every variation you could possibly need. As I take on more complex projects, I rely heavily on more and more core features in Joomla and with the help of a few other extensions, I can always do everything I need to do for my clients.

What have you seen lately and think about the future of Joomla?

I guess I've always been concerned when clients request a Wordpress site over Joomla, however it's happening less and less these days. When I think of Joomla, I see a thriving community. I work in the latest version every day. It is exceptional, affordable, flexible; just everything it should be and that's a good feeling to have when you're invested in this business with all your clients going back 19 years all having Joomla sites with you. I see people who are stepping up like Olivier and Adam to save one very good eCommerce store in native Joomla. I see these kinds of things all the time. I've seen people leave to go to WordPress and people who have stayed; and the ones that stayed have just made it amazing. I see that it's here for the long-haul and it's well taken care of. You can see it every day in the code, when you install it, that it's a platform that's here to stay.

Well, this success and why this community is thriving is in part because of you; you starting the Small Business Virtual JUG on Facebook. People have told me they really enjoy the community and have learned so much from your group.

And with that, onto the next project...

Thank you for being a wonderful part of this community, and contributing Robin.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

The February Issue


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