The Joomla Academy: an opportunity for students to contribute to open source software


Over the years, Joomla has participated a number of times in Google Summer of Code, an initiative that empowers students to learn a lot about software development by contributing to open source projects. GSoC has shown us more than once how valuable students can be for Joomla. So what would be more logical than creating our own breeding ground? JCM interviews Philip Walton, the man with the plan. Read all about the brand new Joomla Academy!

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Seasons of Coding and Documentation, our own program of excellence - The Joomla Academy


Joomla has been fortunate to benefit from the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and other events over the past few years. Often, from these projects Joomla's core features are improved, and the members of the teams that work on these features go on to become pillars of the community. But is it now time for us to think about launching our own program alongside these and bring stability to the cycle of development?

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Google Summer of Code 2022: Joomla did it for the 14th time!


Joomla did it for the 14th time! We are proud to announce that our application as a mentoring organisation for the 2022 Google Summer of Code™ program (GSoC) has been accepted with our individual entry here!

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Call for Mentors - Joomla Google Summer of Code 2022


It is this time of the year! The Joomla Project will apply to Google to participate in this year’s Google Summer of Code™ (GSoC) program.
Now, we need help from our community and beyond! We are looking for talented individuals who are willing to work with new contributors and guide them.

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GSoC 2021 - Candidates announced


GSoC 2021 Candidates were announced by Google on Monday 17th May 2021.

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Searching for a GSoC Student

April-GSoC GSOC team

The mission: Recruit about 20 mentors to help guide four students through four projects that will ideally be integrated into future releases of Joomla 4.

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GSoC at the Joomla World Conference 2017

GSoC at the Joomla World Conference 2017

GSoC 2017 was also Joomla’s 10th anniversary in the program. At the Joomla World Conference, 5 students and their mentors came together, meeting for the first time in person. The event also offered the opportunity for Students, Mentors and Admins of the program to share their experience with the program to the Global Community through a panel hosted by Nick Burch from the Apache Foundation.

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GSoC Student: Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe

GSoC Student: Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe

More than an opportunity to find new talents for Joomla! and improve the software, Google Summe of Code, or simply put GSoC, is a big reunion of open source lovers to share, learn, teach and have fun. In 2016,year we had siz excellent student projects that were accepted by Google to be part of this program designed to encourage university student participation in open source software development. Joomla Community Magazine invited Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe to talk about his experience.

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The brains behind the Joomla! GSoC projects

The brains behind the Joomla! GSoC projects

We have been sharing monthly with JCM readers the step by step of the exciting Google Summer of Code journey. Now that you already know about the developed projects and students feedback, it is time to listen to a very important group: our mentors - the brains behind the projects. 

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GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Final statement)

GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Final statement)

Google Summer of Code is now over. Amazing three months I worked with the amazing team of Joomla. Learnt a lot and had much fun. My project was “Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin” which I wish would be a good addition to the Joomla project.

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