Marketing Make It Happen - JandBeyond 2017

Marketing Make It Happen - JandBeyond 2017

One of the cool things at Joomla conferences like the Joomla & Beyond conference are the ‘Make it Happen’ sessions. These are a great way to get people at the conference involved in the contribution process. As we do every year, Joomla Marketing did its own Make it Happen. Here’s a quick look at the what happened !

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Know what to expect in Joomla 4 - Interview with George Wilson at JAB 2017

Know what to expect in Joomla 4 - Interview with George Wilson at JAB 2017

At the Joomla & Beyond Conference this year in Poland, the Marketing team was on a mission. With Joomla 3.7 already out and Joomla 4 just a few versions away, we had to get the inside scoop on what is happening with Joomla 4. And what better way to find this than catch hold of George Wilson - The release lead for Joomla ! 

So here is the full transcript of the interview. 

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  11276 Hits

The Evolution of the Internet from a geek’s paradise to a consumer ecosystem

The Evolution of the Internet from a geek’s paradise to a consumer ecosystem

In the last 10 years, the internet has evolved at a rapid pace. Completely new ecosystems and markets have emerged on this backbone. The distribution of the userbase of the internet is completely different today than what it was a few years ago. In this article let's explore the impact of this change on content management systems and where things might go from here. 

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Joomla Speaks out on its 10th Birthday

Joomla Speaks out on its 10th Birthday

This August I turned 10. That's very young you might say. Sure in human terms of that's pretty young..not even into teens yet. But in software terms..for that's what I am, being 10 is not necessarily that. I am not sure what it is in fact...But I am said to be more or less mature now. But then I have been stable and mature many a times in my life cycle so far...I am a foster child and I have been cared for by hundreds if not thousands of parents and each of them have put a bit of themselves in me. As you might imagine I have grown to have multifaceted personality. For some people I am a simple website building tool, for some a flexible content management system while some see me as a platform to build web applications on. And that's just some of the ways in which people tend to perceive me. Read my complete story!


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  8618 Hits

Joomla Project and Product Marketing. One Can Not Exist Without the Other!

Joomla Project and Product Marketing. One Can Not Exist Without the Other!

Finding my way around the maze of - Product vs Project, Market vs Community, Marketing vs human resources (HR) in the awesome Community Driven Software that is Joomla! Come explore the world of Joomla Marketing with me!

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  15887 Hits

Fighting Spam in a Joomla! Powered Website

Fighting Spam in a Joomla! Powered Website

SPAM! This is one problem that any webmaster today has to contend with in his daily tasks. If not dealt with on a fundamental level, it can really become a pain in the neck and also end up in consuming time. Not removing Spam comments/registrations/forums posts on websites can really be harmful for its reputation and credibility.

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  92005 Hits

Our Joomla! Story

Our Joomla! Story

On the 1st of September five years ago Joomla! was unveiled to the world for the first time. It is time now for world wide celebrations in the Joomla! community, one of the most diverse communities in the Open Source world. With the least entry barriers, here anyone can take leadership and make change happen. It is a marvelous community of users, developers, designers, documentation creators, bug reporters and fixers, evangelists and every single person in-between who has touched and been touched by this software.

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